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  • #32753

    So I’m working out on the “BOB” in the basement yesterday and the wife comes down so I show her various kicks e.i. roundhouse,side, hooks ,low and head kicks. I was really proud of myself, then she asked me “would you throw these kicks in a real self-defense altercation”? I answered no, she smiled and went upstairs.


    Re: huh?

    You don’t think you’d ever throw a round kick in a street fight? Granted I understand the concept of no spinning back heel kicks but I would think of all things what a street fighter would most likely not be prepared for is a somebody who can actually throw a solid kick.

    Everybody thinks they can just kick a man in the balls but even that takes practice to do it right (as I’m sure we are all aware of).

    But in any case at least your wife let’s you have your fun at the gym and at home.


    Re: huh?

    I like practicing various kicks on the BoB.But I’m all loose, warmed up and have either my shorts or sweat pants on. But on the street standing on one leg is the last thing that comes to my mind. I’d feel more confident in using my hands. IMHO


    Re: huh?

    Many (and I mean many) years ago my Dad told my brother and me how to defend ourselves. His said “kick ’em in the balls, stomp on their head, and run like he!!


    Re: huh?

    agreed about the one leg thing, but if you saw somebody coming at you who just watched VanDam and thinks they’re a thai fighters (you know with hand wraps dipped in glass) with there arms above there head (I’ve actually seen this) those ribs would be just too tempting not to kick. At the very least low leg kicks (or groin if presented) are always good to mix into a street fight as many inexperienced (or intoxicated) fighters will drop there hands to block then all you have to do is not miss your free shot.

    Serious question: When you spar do you throw many kicks? Even though sparing is not 100% power you should try as best as you can to fight just as hard (with full tool belt) as possible. If you don’t throw them alot try adding more and see if it becomes more comefortable, and if you already do themis sparing then play to your strengths and keep with the fists.


    Re: huh?

    It’s ok to kick someone in the head as far as Krav Maga is concerned – as long as you’ve knocked them to the ground first…


    Re: huh?

    One of my thoughts is that when I’m working out I make sure the floor is nice an even and not slippery. When I’m at work the ground might be slippery, maybe debris or other cr@p lying around that I could trip on.
    Another thing is that I don’t hang out in bars/clubs (not that there is anything wrong with that) and don’t get into drunken arguments that can turn into a fight. I ‘m more likely to kill someone with my sense of humor.

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