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    This is long…

    I’m a beginner Kravist…have been training since January. A year ago, I didn’t even know Krav Maga existed.

    Last December, a friend and I attended an MMA event (XFC, for those of you that have heard of it). Prior to this, I had virtually no interest in martial arts. I noticed the fighters were being identified by their fighting style. At that point, terms like “jiu jitsu” and “muay thai” meant nothing to me. Being the inquisitive person that I am, I began hitting my friend with the barrage of beginner questions.. I was intrigued watching the techniques, particularly the ground fighting…

    It was that initial experience that ignited a furious research effort on my part. I learned very quickly the political sensitivities in asking “which martial art is the best,” but I refused to accept the standard answer I kept finding. (“they’re all equal…it has more to do with the practioner”).

    I’m cutting out lots of details in my journey of discovery here, but suffice it to say that over time it became apparent to me that there was a big difference between SPORT FIGHTING and REAL LIFE SELF DEFENSE. Even during that initial MMA event, I remember being surprised at the number of restrictions placed on the fighters. At that point, my research diverged into finding the most effective style for each scenario (sport, and real life).

    A couple of weeks later, I was standing in a Krav Maga studio watching the class. I joined soon after and have been doing it ever since. I learned a simple lesson last night, though, which is how I came about finding this forum.

    I just tested for my orange belt. It was absolutely brutal. 3:45 total time, with about 2:45 solely on combatives. I was in the Army, I ran cross country in high school…I have never experienced intensity like last night. It made me aware of something: I have not been taking my training seriously. I was ill-prepared for the testing…and there was no way to ‘fake’ my preparation. Until now, I have taken class somewhat light-heartedly. It has been something fun to do to help keep me in shape and socialize a bit. But testing brought out the worst in me. It was painful to face myself when the tank was on empty, but I feel fortunate to have learned my lesson during class and not on the street.

    So I’m changing my attitude towards Krav. It’s 100% for me from now on. I will focus on making class as realistic in my mind as possible. If I ever find myself in a position where I must defend myself, I want to KNOW in my mind what I’m capable of…not just hope.

    That’s how I found this forum. I was Google searching to see if anyone else has experienced this same feeling of ‘waking up’. I think this forum will be a good way to keep me focused and to see what others are experiencing out there. I’d rather learn lessons from others than have to learn them myself again.

    I will find out the results of the testing tomorrow night. If I did well, they will promote me straight to orange belt. Otherwise, I will get yellow. I was very sluggish on the combatives but they kept telling me awesome job on the defenses. I’m not sure what to expect, but I’ll let you guys know the outcome.

    Anyway, just thought I’d introduce myself and tell ya a bit about what’s on my mind. I look forward to frequent participation here.

    -Chris Griggs


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    Welcome, Chris (not trying to upstage Mara Jade here, btw…)!

    It sure sounds like your attitude and fighting spirit are in the right place. Keep it going!


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    Welcome Chris,

    I recently came out of a lull in my intensity and I’m back at 100%, there is definitely no faking it and it was good to hear your story.

    There’s nothing like learning to defend yourself, I know as time goes on you will enjoy the benefits as you progress. Even if you are lucky like me and haven’t been in a violent encounter, the skills will help you just the same.

    This is a terrific forum, with a great variety of experienced posters and many superb instructors contributing. Good luck in your training and please share any thoughts and questions.


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    “I just tested for my orange belt…. I will find out the results of the testing tomorrow night. If I did well, they will promote me straight to orange belt. Otherwise, I will get yellow. …”

    From your post I take it that you were a level-1 student (white belt) — not yet a level-2 (yellow belt). How could you test for Orange belt (level-3) if you are not a yellow belt? I have never heard of a “two belt promotion” in Krav. Sounds like one of those “McDojo’s” I’ve read about and I know that is not the Krav way.

    BTW, congratulations on completing a rough test. Hope you passed.


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    quote BradM:

    “I just tested for my orange belt…. I will find out the results of the testing tomorrow night. If I did well, they will promote me straight to orange belt. Otherwise, I will get yellow. …”

    From your post I take it that you were a level-1 student (white belt) — not yet a level-2 (yellow belt). How could you test for Orange belt (level-3) if you are not a yellow belt? I have never heard of a “two belt promotion” in Krav. Sounds like one of those “McDojo’s” I’ve read about and I know that is not the Krav way.

    BTW, congratulations on completing a rough test. Hope you passed.

    Thanks guys for the welcome.

    I don’t know if my facility would be considered a McDojo…Im not real sure what that means. I take classes from Steve Del Castillo at Premier Martial Arts in Tampa, FL. I’m pleased with the instruction I’ve received thus far.

    I think the issue may have to do with the disconnect between “levels” and “belts”. At our facility, as I understand it, level one includes WHITE and YELLOW belts. You cannot go to the Level 2 class until you have an orange belt. Another way to think of it is that WHITE belt is novice beginner and YELLOW is intermediate beginner, maybe? If you pick up techniques quickly and do well on the test, they will place you into level 2…even if its your first test. Hence the “straight to orange” promotion.
    Either way, my ‘promotion’ time from beginner to orange would be consistent with other posts I’ve read on this site.

    If there is something suspicious about this, please tell me. Do I need to be concerned?



    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    Welcome, Chris. Yes, class can be too fun sometimes. Luckily, we have an instructor who makes sure we never cross the line too often and keep it straight up combat mentality.


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    From what I’ve read, Premier Martial Arts in Tampa is very good. I expect you get very good training there. I would never put them in the McDojo category. The reason I said that – and it has been discussed on this forim several times – people often refer to those traditional martial arts schools that sometime quickly promote their students up the belt ranks based on their ability to pay the testing fees and pass a criteria. In many case the students go from white to black belt in a couple (two or so) of years. And even at that, some of the so called Mcdojo’s offer good training.

    As far as the belts in Krav, to my knowledge it has always been white (level-1) to yellow (level-2) and to orange (level-3). I’ve never heard of anyone testing for level-3 (orange) with out testing for and passisng level-2 (yellow) first. (Doesn’t mean it’s not done in some schools.) And I certainly did not intend any disrespect for your school or instructor. Hope my post wasn’t viewed that way.

    So — did you pass or still waiting for results. Good Luck!


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    Just an update: Wanted to put the word out that I DID in fact pass my test!


    Re: I’m new, and this is why I’m here…

    Congrats on passing your test Chris!!

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