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    Tuesday night we sparred and sparred and sparred. I thought I was going to blow a lung. I’m 47 and need to work on my endurance.

    Anyone have any good ideas to improve my cardio(I will not run). Sorry, this is somewhat Krav related.


    Re: I need cardio help.

    I’m assuming you’re a KM member somewhere..Do they offer other classes? Bag work, Cardio and Kettlebell are great classes to consider if you can get them.

    Some do crossfit also. I haven’t done it but you can check it here


    Good luck:wav:


    Re: I need cardio help.

    Spar and spar and roll and roll


    Re: I need cardio help.

    I don’t know you or your condition/experience, so what I am about to say could be 1000% wrong. If so, ignore me.

    When I started, my cardio sucked. But what made it even worse, WAY worse, was sparring or rolling, when I REALLY lost control of my breath, I held my breath, I panicked, I did all the things you’re not supposed to do to maximise in/out of oxygen. next time you spar, especially against someone who might be faster than you, but isn’t going to hurt you too bad if/when they hit you, is just focus on moving and breathing. Keep your breath smooth and controlled. yes, you’ll get hit, especially at first, but then you can start picking it up again, keeping your breath in control, and working harder, and harder….

    Now, if that’s not it, and you just have no cardio….interval training. I think I did permanant damage to my lungs smoking for 15 years, not sure, never actually asked a Dr. about it further than a chest x-ray that came back clean of the big-C. BUT…for the amount of cardio I do, I should ahve better wind than I do. Interval training has gotten me to the point where I can push myself almost as hard as I wish I could, and my recovery times have gotten way better.


    Re: I need cardio help.

    I’m a big advocate of the jumprope. It’ll build your cardio and develop lightness on the feet.


    Re: I need cardio help.

    A great way to built cardio without actually doing traditional cardio is to do circuit training mimicking the rounds your performing in your class. Pick an exercise (preforably total body) and do it for one minute. So for a five minute round your picking 5 differenent ex. for a round each. Then take a minute break or however long you break between rounds. You could do multiple rounds for a workout or choose throw them in as intervals during regular weight training.


    Re: I need cardio help.

    Thanks, I think you may be dead on. BTW, I started KM as a reward to myself for quitting smoking(nearly 30 years.)


    Re: I need cardio help.

    Yep … i smoked 3 -4 packs a day for over 20 years and ive tried to do at least 4 days a week krav since october …im still winded a lot but .to be honest its probably the main thing keeping me from sparking up …having said that i quit about 5 years ago for a couple of years and ran during that time …..i remember that it took almost a year to get over being winded …just remember it took decades to wreck your lungs …Im happy for every improvement i make no matter how small it is


    Re: I need cardio help.

    I jump rope with a 5lb heavy rope and do tabata it really helps with the 0-60 burst.


    Re: I need cardio help.

    I hate running. Elliptical machines are great. I started back in the gym 2 weeks ago. My max heart rate has gone from 147 to 130.


    Re: I need cardio help.

    quote CJs Dad:

    I jump rope with a 5lb heavy rope and do tabata it really helps with the 0-60 burst.

    My current self torture is 3 minute rds of 50 single unders, 12 pushups, 12 squats, 12 crunches

    my feet hurt bad enough…god forbid a 5lb rope hit my toes


    Re: I need cardio help.

    quote CJs Dad:

    I jump rope with a 5lb heavy rope and do tabata it really helps with the 0-60 burst.

    Couple 3 minute rds of 50 single unders, 12 push ups, 12 squats, 12 crunches

    short run to heavy bag w/3lb weights, 10 punches both hands, run back to starting point, drop 10 pushups…3 minute round

    same as above using round kick or push or knees then squats

    3 minute rds of knees

    walk in a circle throw knees for a round, then round

    The possibilities are infinate and the enjoyment of self torture;):

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