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    exactly how bad is th lvl 1 test becuase I hear horror stories that have me wondering, stories like it takes 3 or 4 hrs and usually once your done your basically wiped out for most of the following week
    not that I’m scared or anything…… lol


    it varies by school and instructor. some obviously are more strenuous and difficult than others. the only advice to you is to give 110% the whole time and go as long and hard as you can. most instructors want to see your heart. certainly your technique is important, but most want to see you going at full throttle even if your techniques suffer a bit. just go as hard and long as you can. as to how long you’ll feel the effects of your test, it obviously depends on your level of fitness. you’ll certainly feel it for a few days, but a week or more imo, is unlikely. when it’s over, and your recovering, you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment. it’s great, believe me. good luck, we’re all rooting for you.


    It’s not as bad as folks make it out to be, Waak.


    cool thanks for the input I was just couious due to the rumers I was talking to my instructors today at class and they are figuring on like jan or feb and myself and the rest of the L1’s will be ready
    again thanx for the replies I think I’ll be ok lol



    During the test, no matter how tired you are…..DON’T STOP! Even if you make a mistake or forget a combative, keep going. The length of the test will vary by class size and instructor. Good Luck! 😀


    Like Wyatt said, it varies by school. YES – you will BE dead tired by the end of the test. You’re supposed to be. It will take several hours. I can only tell you about my test. If you’re NOT sore, you have iron muscle or something.

    It was about 4 or 5 hours – we went around the block (that block was long for me), then around the parking lot twice, went back inside, did cardio, did the workshop and then the test. During the workshop(review of moves), if the instructors see you’re not ready, they will pull you out. It makes no sense to waste your time and theirs if you haven’t got the techniques down.

    When I got home, I had my late lunch (DON’T eat too much in the morning – you’ll regret it), showered, went to bed around 2pm, didn’t wake up until around 8PM. I was hurting for 3 days but felt SO good that I made it through. You see, back then I was like 20 pounds overweight(still have another 20 to go). As for the night before – CARB UP bigtime. That will help you.

    And I’ll repeat like everyone else – DON’T STOP. Right or wrong, don’t think it, just do it and finish it. Think of it this way – if you get attacked out in the street – they’re NOT going to be nice with you. Your endurance will more than likely outweigh theirs unless they’re some pro fighter or something.

    Good luck and kick a$$!!


    Not every school will pass you even if you give 110%.My instructor didn’t think that I had mastered the level 1 techniques & failed me.I was OK with that since I was in it for the knowledge,not the belt certificate.I passed the next time around.


    I recently successfully completed the level 1 workshop and test. It lasted for about 3.5 hours. It was challenging, but not impossible.

    Good Luck



    quote \”jjbklb\:

    Not every school will pass you even if you give 110%.My instructor didn’t think that I had mastered the level 1 techniques & failed me.I was OK with that since I was in it for the knowledge,not the belt certificate.I passed the next time around.

    Same thing happened to me.


    Download the lvl 1 cir. before the test. Look at what they expect you to know. Ask your instructor before the workshop.

    I’m sure this site has it but if not go to




    My lvl1 test wasn’t bad at all. 4.5hrs, but it was a little more than an hour of warmups, and almost three hours of review…just over one hour of actual testing.
    The best thing to settle your nerves about the test is to find a partner well before the test. Work with them in class as much as possible, maybe out of class, too…the idea is to know them, their power level, their reactions, everything about them, really well. You should be able to defend yourself against anybody, but it makes the test much more smooth if you know what their choke feels like, etc. If there’s a size difference, it’s even more important to know eachother well, that way the larger person doesn’t feel the need to hold back, and the smaller person knows what’s coming.


    I just wanna say thanx for all the responces and especially for support.
    I have faith in my instructers that they’ll get me ready in time, and from what you all have said I should be able to handle it with out too much trouble.
    once again thanx for the support


    I wouldnt worry as much about the level 1 test as I would about the level 2 test. MMM MMM Sparring! 😈


    I heard they bring police in to Tazer and pepper spray you while releasing hungry pitbulls into the arena and ninjas with rubber hoses filled with sand beat you about the head and shoulders. And thats just the warm up.


    actually it’s ninjas with rubber hoses filled with lead pellets. sand was way too soft. long live the ninja

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