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    Hello all,

    I am a little skeptical about the power and effectiveness of my defensive front kicks. For example if someone was running towards me, I think I would get bowled over with my current defensive front kick, leaving the attacker on top of me. I am a big dude but I think someone’s running power would be greater than my kick strength. Is there anyway to test my effectiveness on my own (class isn’t on for the next week or so) and how would I improve on this? I am already doing exercises to strengthen my legs and I am working on my technique.



    Re: Increasing effectiveness of my defensive front kicks

    The first thing you have to consider is the proper context/situation in which to use the defensive front kick. It’s not designed to push back a person that is rushing in from a distance or cause damage but rather to either stop an advancing person or push a close opponent to create distance.

    If an attacker is running in, as you are concerned, the better option would be to move out of the line “fire”.


    Re: Increasing effectiveness of my defensive front kicks

    momentum will always beat a stationary object


    Re: Increasing effectiveness of my defensive front kicks

    I agree with the previous commenter that the KM defensive kick is not meant to be used against an opponent that is charging you from a long distance (unless you’re cornered / held by other attackers and don’t have any choice). If you have enough time to see the person rushing towards you, then the obvious solution is to get out of the way (i.e. angular stepping, running away, throw an object or person(s) in the way, etc.)

    However that being said, several methods of training the KM defense kick on your own could include:

    1) Practice the kick on a 70lb+ or heavier heavy bag. Make sure you maintain proper form and posture (i.e. not be off balance).

    2) Swing the heavy bag forward so that you can execute the kick on the “down / back swing”. This teach you proper body alignment and power.

    3) Shadow / Mirror boxing where you imagine an attacker surprising you and rushing you from a short distance and you kick to stop + create space for another counter.

    I hope that helps!


    Re: Increasing effectiveness of my defensive front kicks

    The thing a lot of people dont know about the defensive front kick…and I didnt know till it was shown to me by Gabi Noah….is that the effect you are going to get in applying this in real life to an attacker that is not expecting it is a LOT more dramatic than someone holding a pad. A proper defensive front kick against a stationary or moving target will send the attacker flying backwards to the ground. There is a way to see this but you kind of have to do it in font of someone for people to see.
    But beleive me its not going to be the little push back that we all get kicking our training partners pad.


    Re: Increasing effectiveness of my defensive front kicks

    Rick Blitstein is 160 lbs, I’m 240. Using an offensive front kick, I’ve charged him with a pad and have been sent back a foot or 2. I’ve felt it thru the pad and in my chest.

    It’s all about the execution, proper timing and extension.

    There’s a youtube video somewhere where you see Haim Gidon stopping attack, after attack, with a defensive front kick.

    Go to 1:20 in this video and you will see Haim do it lightly.



    Re: Increasing effectiveness of my defensive front kicks

    During seminars Gabi Noah will have a student walk towards him with his eyes closed to replicate the surprise of a defensive front kick. The kick needs to land on the opponents center of gravity. At the 1:10 mark in this video you can what happens. A few days earlier he did the same thing at my school. It was a dramatic point and well made albeit a slightly dick move considering we trained on a rug that was over concrete floor. My student went totally horizontal in the air and down to the ground. I need to get the video online one of these days.


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