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    So my wife and I just started KM three weeks ago and guess what? She 3rd degree sprained her left thumb yesterday while dodging our cat. She put all of here weight on her thumb and bent it back to her wrist. Ouch!!! She is in a temporary cast as of now. This happened Friday night. So today, I am demonstrating to her how to throw hammer fist because she was unsure. I was using a striking pad on the ground from the mounted position and I was really thrashing it up. I looked up to speak and then completely hammerfisted the ground. I am pretty sure I broke my hand but it hasn’t swollen up or anything. I iced it up all day and I can move every finger and all that. It hurts right where you would make contact on a hammer fist. Maybe it isn’t broken.

    Anybody know how I could find out without going to the hospital. I am afraid of going and finding out that I can’t practive KM for a while. That would bum me out.

    What does everyone think?

    P.S. Any comments/jokes regarding my hammer fisting the floor have already been considered and they are funny but not necessary. LOL


    Re: Injuries

    I’d go get it x-rayed just to be safe.. If something is broke, best to know early in case the bones need moved.


    Re: Injuries

    Don’t wait to find out it could be something worse. You’ll kick yourself later for not taking care of it sooner. KM will still be there so get it checked:wav:


    Re: Injuries

    If it is just your hand you can always just do classes and not use that hand, although some drills may not be possible, anything with your legs would be.

    Not to scare you off of KM, but I’ve learned taking care of your self and dealing with your injuries is a very import part of your overall physical training — many of those lessons were learned from my mountain biking hobby.

    Right now I am nursing a pulled back muscle. I tried out some new weightlifting moves for my “new years resolution” — :angry: — now I am not doing as much as I would like, but it is getting better. More lessons in taking care of myself.


    Re: Injuries

    I would at least check it out with the Doc. If it heals wrong, you might need to re break it and that will put you even further behind in your Krav journey. Do it right the first time and it should heal stronger (calcium deposits) than the original. Good luck thumbsup



    Re: Injuries


    First off, sorry for your injury – decreased training due to injury is no fun!

    Since you can move your fingers and flex your hand without pain, that is a good sign; but as everyone else here has suggested, you would be best served seeing your doctor. He may recommend taking some time off, but ultimately that is your decision. But at that point, you will have all the information you need to make an informed training decision.

    Take care.


    Re: Injuries

    Thank you all for the responses. After an alarming and nearly instant concensus to go to the doctors, I did just that. No breaks and just some inner and outer bruising. In fact, it feels 80% better than it did two days ago. I will be attending class tonight and plan on hammerfisting my day away. Just kidding, I will take it a bit easy on my hand tonight.

    As for my wife, she is good to go as well. Her thumb is still tender when she bumps it now and then but I expect her to be back in KM class by Wednesday.

    Thanks again everyone.


    Re: Injuries

    I’ve had a great number of injuries(both calf muscles torn, broken ribs, broken nose, sprained and broken fingers, torn rotatar cuff, sprained ankles etc) BUT none from KM – all from playing basketball! KM is much safer!!!!


    Re: Injuries

    I was doing a hammerfist demo in front of a class and I hit with my left hand – oops, forgot about my wedding ring. I thought I’d broken at least two fingers… The ring was flattened out from the impact.

    Another painful lesson learned…

    I hope your hand gets better soon!


    Re: Injuries

    Get it checked, and get used to it. Injuries are the price we pay for not sitting around on our a***** all the time.


    Re: Injuries

    Everyone knows where I stand on injuries/questionable symptoms.
    “When in doubt, check it out.”

    Phil- RN, CCRN

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