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  • #57706

    Another point to consider is that even though he is an instructor we are all still students and still learning. He is still learning how to be an instructor. The comment earlier about going to him with some of these things might help him out. Heck, he might have already seen the issue himself.

    Instructing is not as easy as it looks. Being human we make mistakes, couple that with a bad day as has been suggested earlier and the dude might have been way off his game. If he is a new instructor that also just adds to the stress.

    I’d suggest giving his class another shot, if its still not working out for you, maybe either talk with him after class or if your not comfortable with that then either avoid his classes or if you have to go to the head instructor at the school.

    In any case, remember, this just might be your interpretation of him. Others in the class may like his style of teaching. About how many students were in the class that night? How many have shown up for more classes from the guy?

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