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    Re: Is our culture forcing a change to how we escalate a fight?

    quote Snake Eyes 88 USMC:

    Heres a long post not ment to really fire back at you KMCat but just to try make my thoughts come through in type.

    The point with the TV I want to make is….It’s not real.
    TV, Movies, Video games no matter how realistic is not real death and violence, even on the news it’s not real becuse it’s removed, not right in front of you to deal or be confronted with.

    The sight of a real dead body staring back at you with lifeless eyes will cause much more reaction than CSI, it will cuase a real reaction.

    True, the movie/TV images are not 100% the same as the real. But they my have some lower percentage value. Say, if it was 1% the same, 100 viewings of the “CSI type violence” will approach 1 view of the real.

    quote Snake Eyes 88 USMC:

    … The problem is being able to distuingish our reality from our fantasy, …

    The media messages are not helping in this area with every bad thing magnified and examined in great detail. Making the naive cower in fear keeping their kids hiding in side playing the video games and watching TV and getting fatter.

    So, on the original thought on this thread, yes I do think that the way violence is perceived and acted out by perpetrators has changed from the way it was years ago.


    Re: Is our culture forcing a change to how we escalate a fight?

    My cell phone went off at 0445 yesterday morning. Three minutes later, I’m driving as fast as my crapbox unmarked police car can go, thinking that I’m going to be in a gunfight before coffee…

    Turns out that our department’s tracking K-9 wasn’t on the money this time (one of the very few times). My partners and I still had to deal with the investigation of an extremely violent rape (worst case scenario – woman wakes up to a stranger with a knife in her bedroom – bad, bad things ensue). She survived, but will never be the same. In some ways, neither will I.

    Our nation has condoned the breeding of savages on a large scale. And, in case we didn’t create enough savages of our own, we’ve allowed untold numbers from other places to come into our land to prey on the unprepared and unsuspecting. I think about these growing packs of monsters when I’m getting tired in the midst of a workout. It somehow pushes me on.

    Snake Eyes – thank you for both your service and your insight. Jesse – I agree that there are very few casual confrontations any more. The wussification of America has encouraged the savages to attack without regard. I train hard to protect myself, my family and those who are unable (and, sadly, unwilling) to protect themselves. I teach others to do the same.

    And to think we were one Supreme Court justice vote away from having our right to keep and bear arms taken away from us…

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