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    After seeing KM advertisements at my local gym, I took a free introductory class at the Columbia, Maryland facility. The instructors, overall facility and staff were great.

    I’m a regular jogger and stay fit by visiting my gym 3 times a week. At the KM class, being 160 lbs and 48 yo, I was a bit concerned about pairing-up with a guy who was 185 and 30 yo. We agreed to be careful and courteous and in no time at all, we were putting 120% of ourselves into the training. The instructors gave us a lot of positive guidance and attention because of our enthusiasm. It was one Heck of a workout and we nearly collapsed afterward. Given that my arms were so tired, it was hard to get my wallet out to pay the initiation and first month’s fees. Am I crazy :confused:.

    Now for the bad news… The next day, my body was nearly crippled (duh) :mad:. Knuckles were ripped to shreds, arms felt like dead hunks of meat and my gluteus (butt) muscles hurt in ways I didn’t think possible. -So much for thinking I was in good shape :angry:.

    A couple days later, I got 50 minutes into a class and a severe cramp was brewing in my gluteus muscles. Also, my elbows were about to give-out as, I got paired-up with a guy much bigger and more experienced than me. I invoked rule #1 (don’t get hurt) and sat-out the last 10 minutes. Admittedly, I was a bit embarrassed but, as I get older, my pride takes second-seat some times.

    It’s been a few days and everything feels good again so, this Saturday is my next shot at another class. -Cant wait!!! -But this time, I’m going to seek-out a better matched partner (a 5 year old kid??? -Just kidding).

    I made a mistake and should have known to pace myself on that first day. Live and learn… If anyone out there is thinking of taking their first class, I hope this post saves you some discomfort…

    Anyhow, KM is very practical (for obvious reasons) and a lot less boring than static exercise. I plan to browse the posts here and possibly check-in from time to time with an update or newby question…

    Later Alligator(s)…



    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    Welcome to the forum!

    Ah, hubby and I remember those days four years ago. Our first cardio class were were stopping like every 10 minutes. We thought we’d lost our minds but dangit – we were hookedthumbsup

    Knuckles ripped? Definitely need some hand wraps and have someone show you how to wrap –VERY important. As for cramps, yes pace yourself and ALWAYS have liquid available – water, whatever your drink of choice is. In the beginning, if you have to stop, DON’T FEEL BAD. We’ve all been there – believe me.

    Welcome to our world and enjoy your training:wav:


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    Quick Follow-up…

    3rd class went great! -Lot’s more energy on Saturday morning vs. 6:30pm after a day of work. Did a better job of pacing myself this time. Did more cool stuff in training but, my punching form wasn’t as tight as I wanted it to be. All things in time…

    I bought a used tombstone from the training facility. Came home with enough vim and vigor to jog 3.5 miles in 33 minutes. Then practiced some w/my sons. The gym gave me some introductory passes for my boys (actually, they’re grown now but, I keep forgetting that) and they’re psyched to go sometime.

    I think I’m getting hooked on this KM stuff!!! Hope at least one of my kids get hooked so I’ll have someone to practice at home with.

    [Edit]: Oh yeah, I bought some knuckle wraps.


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    I go to the same school in Columbia MD. I started about a month ago, and I THOUGHT I was in pretty good shape. I knew my cardio sucked, but I was in pretty good shape otherwise. WRONG! I found that you use so many different muscle groups that are next to impossible to hit in the gym, that I think ANY beginner is going to be sore, regardless of conditioning. Some of the more simple lessons I’ve learned and that might be helpful to someone thinking about taking classes: bring an extra T-shirt (you’ll need it after class); wear a cup – every time; use SOME kind of hand protection, either gloves or wraps – I will be using BOTH after tearing up my knuckle yesterday even while wearing gloves…


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    Keep it up for sure. I’m now 2 months in and my stamina is WAY better, even though each class still finds a way to push me–I hope that doesn’t stop.


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    mdedwards and baltimorx,

    Tt would be great to meet you at the Columbia “dojo” some time. I’ll be there 9:30 AM tomorrow (Sat 4/12). If you weigh around 160, we should partner-up because I keep getting huge partners. Send an off-line message if you want to meet.

    That said, I’ve been to 2 more classes since last Saturday and finished with plenty of energy left over. I was half-tempted to try the heavy bag class after the level 1 class. Since I’m working through a few minor muscle pains, mainly in the gracillis (inner thigh near the groin) I decided not to push my luck.

    Prior to the last class, several students were commenting on the instructor’s reputation for really working-over the class. Heck, I thought the guy (and workout) was great. The instructor had us do knee bends with our partner on our back. My partner was 195lbs and I actually survived 9 reps (we were supposed to do 10). Gave it my best shot…

    Yeah, a cup… -Starting to sound like a good idea. I’ve never worn one before as they look uncomfortable as all heck. We practiced the inner-thigh kick and I was sweating bullets the whole time. Yep, one of those cup things seems like a good idea now.

    My knuckles are still healing from the first class. I bandage them and used wraps with good success.

    On my last couple visits to my regular gym, I felt like superman. I’m working about 10lbs more than usual and don’t break a sweat on the treadmill for almost 15-16 minutes.

    Krav is good! thumbsup


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot


    I’m up in Detroit area–so I doubt we’ll be able to hook up sometime..but if you’re in the area..would love to hang out.


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    RFC – Hope you don’t mind me jumping in here. Unless you wanna sing soprano one of these days- a cup is A MUSTthumbsup. Hubby grazed me ONE time – that’s all it took for me to NEVER leave for class without mine. :D:

    Here’s a thread that might be helpful – good luck on the search!


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    I have been training for four years now and find that I am just as tired and achy after a class as I was on day one.

    The fitter and more conditioned I get the more I put in. The only real difference is that now I know that I will survive the class where at the begining I was sure that I would drop down dead at some point.


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    quote sadders:

    I have been training for four years now and find that I am just as tired and achy after a class as I was on day one.

    The fitter and more conditioned I get the more I put in. The only real difference is that now I know that I will survive the class where at the begining I was sure that I would drop down dead at some point.

    So I’m not the only one… cool. thumbsup


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    Yeah, this is pretty intense training which I’m not accustomed to. I’ve been jogging for many years (can run half-marathons) where the trick is endurance, not bursty energy releases.

    This morning’s KM class was very good and had a new-to-me instructor. Pretty tough workout. I’m still struggling a bit with coordination and placement of concentrated punches. For fist punches, I’m still pacing myself because my knuckles are still scabbing-over and healing. Also, I want to give my joints, tendons and ligaments time to build-up to this kind of (ab)use.

    On 3 occassions today, while doing hammer punches and front-kick / hammer-punch combos, I intentionally pushed myself to the point of getting light-headed at which time, I’d slow down and regain myself. This is an old jogging trick to build endurance (mentally and physically). With jogging, I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t do it anymore unless it’s very hot and humid; however, this is bad for heart muscle tissue so, I don’t do it anymore. Anyhow, it was nice to get that feeling again today.

    On the way home, I broke-down and bought a baseball style brief and cup. Wouldn’t you know, I got it home and the cup was missing from the package :mad:. -Sure hope they let me return it…


    RFC (aka: Ray)


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    Old thread but i’m bring it back from the dead for my first intro class experience. I would’ve enjoyed my class wayyyyy more if i had read all these comments earlier. I made all the classic first timer blunders: trusting in my conditioning from other forms of exercise (running and weighlifting), not pacing myself, not eating enough during the day to have enough fuel, feeling like you had to prove something the first time out, not bringing water ….did i miss any…nope i think i got them all 🙂 End result: i came out of the gate fast and was just putting everything into every punch – rapid fire style, promptly got really winded, couldn’t recover fast enough, had to take 5 minutes between each exercise, dizzy, light-headed, nearly threw up….nearly. 🙂

    It was disappointing from the stand point of my personal performance, but everything else was very cool. The exercises were hard but more than that, it was just so surprising how hard it was…just didn’t expect punches and kicks to work me over as much as they did. If you told me that I was going to be completely out of gas and that this was going to be at the very top of the list of physical exertion experiences, I wouldn’t have believed you.

    Everyone at the school says I did fine, but i think they were just trying to make me feel better. Guess I have to work on my endurance. Once i recover and can hold my hand steady enough I’ll be signing up for the class. Newbies, mark my words well and do not follow my bad example! 🙂


    Re: Just Started. Made a Mistake, But Learned a Lot

    Well Seeq_QC,

    Sounds like everything is normal. Hang in there…

    FWIW: It’s been 4 months for me now and after the first few weeks, I started visiting 2 then, 3 times a week. My studio also offers Fit class, Core class and Heavy Bag training. Each of these are work-outs that easily burn 500-600 calories in an hour (I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a lot more than that). Truth be know, at each visit, I usually (but not always) take a Level 1 class along with one of the others mentioned above.

    Depending on mood and other factors such as diet, energy level, and how hard you push yourself, it typically takes 8 to 24 hours for the minor aches & pains to go away.

    I’m finding that the stamina and strength build-up naturally. Doing this with grace and smoothness under pressure is what takes a lot of effort.

    Now, no matter how bad (or good) of a day I had at work, no matter how tired I might feel, I always look forward to Krav. As a matter of fact, the roughest days I’ve had at work always result in one of my better days at Krav.

    It gets better… Stick with it for a while. Krav is good.


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