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    Iíve recently started a 6am workout routine where I do alternate days of Basís boxing and all-around workout drills. Yesterday, my next door neighbor visited to inform me that the noise of me pounding on BOB wakes him up. I had no idea and, of course, apologized. We live in adjoining row houses, but BOB is in my basement, and the bedroom is on the 2nd floorÖ who would have thought?

    So, any clues as to how to keep BOB quiet? The two main sources of noise seem to come from his torso rocking on the riser, and the base tilting up and slamming back down on the floor.

    Iíve already filled the base with as much sand as will fit and Iím not inclined to add water as well. Perhaps some sort of pad underneath the base thatíll act as a sort of cushion?

    As for the torso portion, the best thing I can come up with is to duct tape it securely to the post. However, this doesn’t seem like the best solution. Iím sure thereís another way, but I’m currently stumped.

    Has anyone else has to quiet BOB? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    One way to keep BOB quiet, is to give your neighbor some ear plugs. Works for me.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    tape Bob’s mouth shut ha, ha,.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    Sorry about that, couldn’t resist… I have the same issues with Bob.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    if bob is on concrete, then some kind of rubber mat underneath will help (1/4 to 1/2 inch). obviously make it considerable wider than the base of the BoB. also, see if there is an air intake vent down there, somethimes sound will travel up the vent to wierd places (especially in a row house). If ther is an intake, close the vent (will be a little lever next to it). that might help as well.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    If it were me, I’d be tempted to find a different time to train.

    We used to live in an apartment building which had a basement that everyone shared. You could hear people in there talking (thru the air vents like ohskigod was talking about) so I knew my radio would be unwelcome while I was lifting in the morning.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    I don’t know how to relate… I live in the country side. When ever I have a problem with a neighbor I just ask him to stop. Vice Verse…..maybe in your case a 6am work out is not possible in a Condo.

    Try shadow boxing or start later.

    Just my two cents and its probably not what you were looking for 😛


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    If I want to workout early in the morning, I square off in front of BoB couple of inches short of contact and do my Bas Thai-boxing tape with knees instead of kicks.No contact,no noise just Bas throwing out commands.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    Well, I figured out how to do it.

    BOB now sits on two layers of puzzle mats. Plus, I pulled his torso off of the post, covered the top of the post with a thin towel, and put the torso back on. It took a bit of work to get the torso in place, but the towel now acts as a shock absorber.

    The noise has been significantly reduced. Now about all you hear is a very dull thud from the impact of the punch. I’ll have to call my neighbor and see if he can hear it two floors and a wall away.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    I am having the same issue with noise. I like the idea of the shock absorber in the torso. Do you use a cotton towel or paper towel in the top? Thanks

    quote CarpeCanis:

    Well, I figured out how to do it.

    BOB now sits on two layers of puzzle mats. Plus, I pulled his torso off of the post, covered the top of the post with a thin towel, and put the torso back on. It took a bit of work to get the torso in place, but the towel now acts as a shock absorber.

    The noise has been significantly reduced. Now about all you hear is a very dull thud from the impact of the punch. I’ll have to call my neighbor and see if he can hear it two floors and a wall away.


    Re: Keeping BOB quiet…

    I used a microfiber towel that’s about 1′ square, maybe 1/8″ thick. It came out of a pack of 20-some that I got at Sams Club. The puzzle mat came from there as well.

    Here it is:


    Any old towel should work, as long as it isn’t too big.

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