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    I was just wondering today what would people’s opinions be on what are the key things to nail down first for beginners or intermediate people to progress quicker.

    I noticed recently that my shadow boxing or retzev maybe looked a bit awkward and I may need to be a bit more fluid on my feet. Then I was thinking actually my punches with one of my arms was quite weak in comparison to the other. So then I got thinking further that even though I will need all these things perfected eventually what are the things that experts might think I should concentrate on first.

    So my question is, what do people recommend on here are the key things to concentrate on first so as to help me and others progress smoothly?

    I know there is no quick fix and consistent training is key but it would be good to get some guidance from more senior people on here on this.



    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?

    I use a mental technique I call “anchoring”

    If you’ve had a chance to watch either of the new Sherlock Holmes movies (Robert Downey JR) when he does a defense you hear him say in his head things like “crack eggs” for a groin shot.

    I break down the techniques into “anchor points” and name them things I’ll remember.

    For example: Headlock from the side is –
    Rag doll (step out, bend over in weird position)
    Reach to the sky/crack eggs (one hand goes up, the other groin shot)
    Pez Dispenser (tilt head back)
    Piston (shove straight down elbow in tight)
    Rain Hell Down (combative’s-stomping)

    When I see an instructor first demo the technique to the class I say to myself “what does that look like to me?” Tilting his head back kinda looks like a pez candy dispenser.

    I know this might not be the answer you’re looking for you were probably thinking should I work on my punching skills, but this has really helped me to learn faster because I’m able to retain the techniques. I also run over them in my head much easier when I’m not in class because I can remember the anchor points easier.

    As far as punching goes, I’d recommend doing them super super slow in a full length mirror so you can watch your posture and even create anchor points when you’re practicing like “no chicken wings” to remind yourself to keep your elbows in or “put out the cigarette” to remember to pivot.

    Hope that helped~


    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?

    Love that technique CJ’s Dad!

    No chicken wings, out a cigarette. Great, easy to remember!

    Anyone else with other learning techniques or advice on what techniques\stances to concentrate on sorting out first for beginners?



    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?

    FOOTWORK! whenever a students tells me they are having a problem with something most of the time it stems from the feet.


    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?

    quote KevinMack:

    FOOTWORK! whenever a students tells me they are having a problem with something most of the time it stems from the feet.

    Have you been watching me train?


    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?


    This will probably be just a reiteration of what was said. For beginners, I recommend they SLOW DOWN and really work on basics. This is especially true in KM. You will see the same movements in the beginner level doing punches as in higher levels in gun defenses. Of course everyone gets wrapped up in the aggressiveness of the system. But this aggressiveness does not lend itself to perfecting technique. Slow down use mirrors and do a lot of reps. KM works off of muscle memory so if you have done the same movement “correctly” 1000 times. When it goes down, your muscle memory will take over for that 1 time.

    My $0.02


    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?

    Great feedback guys and good tips on here from the instructors. I definitely agree that slowing it down and concentrating on technique can often be difficult in a class as everyone is trying to be quick and agressive. Must get the mirror out at home…

    Keep the tips coming if anyone else has any other learning pearls of wisdom



    Re: Key to improvement in Krav Maga?

    quote KevinMack:

    FOOTWORK! whenever a students tells me they are having a problem with something most of the time it stems from the feet.

    Amen! Usually after I demo a technique a couple of times I’ll tell my students to just watch my feet. It’s amazing what a difference proper footwork makes.

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