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    So I was heating up my lunch in the breakroom at work, and (yes, I am ashamed of this) I started reading the People magazine sitting on the counter.

    There is a story about a 12 year old girl and her little brother coming home from piano lessons. A truck pulls over and tries to coax the little girl into the vehicle. She is smart and doesn’t fall for it, so the guy gets out and picks her up and throws her into the truck. She kicks, fights, and screams the whole time. As he starts driving away, she is in the backseat still lashing out and hitting him. Guy gets 100 yards down the road, pulls over, and tells her to get out.

    She has no martial arts training, just pure will to attack instead of submit, and survive instead of be a victim. Parents don’t have to teach their kids to be blackbelts in karate, they just need to teach them not to be scared and fight for their lives no matter what.

    I looked for the article online so I could post it, but couldnt find it. If you have access to People magazine you can read it in the August 15th issue on page 68. Its the one with Jennifer Anniston on the front and the title \”Jen Breaks Her Silence\”


    And to think my mom told me to *stop* acting like that in the car!

    Good for her. I hope she’s proud of herself.


    I should be a father here in February and it is scarring the hell out of me. I definately want to get my child into Krav as soon as I can and teach them not to be a victim. It’s funny how your perspective changes……


    I teach all my kids KM…. Hit to nose instead of neck etc etc, but they are all willing to fight and scream and hit and kick…… I really think the eight year old could take out an unsuspecting adult before the sicko knew what was happening.



    Here is a terrific program from a Krav instructor dealing with abduction and sexual assault. You will also see some tactics in the video gallery portion.

    He has been featured on loads of television shows. I have the training DVD and the stuff inside the vehicle is something everyone Kids, Teen and adults need to know. Very complete for all types of attacks and unique lessons for parents to teach kids. Sorry, I know this sounds like an advertisement but parents NEED to know this stuff and it is developed by someone in the Krav world.

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