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    I found this on another forum. That forum seemed to be fairly divided, a portion thinking that the cop was in the right, the others thinking that there is no reason for a cop to use a tazer in that situation.

    I am 100% sure that the cop did the right thing. Tazing her is safer for the cop than trying to physically removing her from the vehicle. It allows him to keep his distance, not to mention the fact that he warned her 4 times.

    This reminded me of the woman that was starting the fight in the pizza parlor. And even though I know it is not the same woman, it made me happy to see someone actually have to face the consequence of having no respect for authority/the law/other people….etc.

    I justify the post because it has some self defense / situational awareness aspects to it but honestly I posted it because it made me laugh.


    I say zap her again. And again…and again. Its sad that a lone cop has this much power to decide to go directly to taser. But the video is just too damn funny HAHA. Guess she shoulda listened.


    Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t

    If the cop had not tased her and simply used physical force to extract her from the vehicle, then people would be be bitching that he used \”excessive force\” to arrest a lone female subject. I would agree that the force used was too much if there hadn’t been MANY explicit warnings. He even told her that he was going to tase (not sure if that’s really a verb but, oh well) her and she still failed to respond. The officer had no idea of why she refused to follow instructions so he also had no idea if she had any weapons or if she was even in a coherent state of mine. If an officer has a taser pointed at me and tells me to get out of my vehicle, I don’t care if I think it’s undeserved, I’m getting out. I’m not glad she got hit with the taser as that’s really, really unpleasant but all she had to do was follow simple, reasonable instructions.

    My 2 cents,



    I gotta say – guess she thought he was bluffing since she was female. Duh – like djinsd said – the guy’s a gotta taser and says he’s gonna use it – DO WHAT THE COP SAYS.. I bet some lawyer could convince her she could sue for police brutality.


    And, unfortunately, in the current social climate, she’ll win and officers will again be held under the microscope over every action they take. Sad.

    (she deserved it)


    Let’s get one thing clear, officer safety is paramount. Was this a threat? Hardly. Looks like a routine traffic stop. Was she being rude, absolutely. Did it require being tasered? I doubt it.

    Tasering can be an easy way out for a cop to do their job, as in this case. It should be a tool to be used w/ caution, not abused. I think it sets a dangerous standard when you can be electrocuted (in some cases executed) for an officers ignorance or inability to think. I know of someone who was tasered because he went into a diabetic fit and the cop thought he was doped up. Was that funny? Hardly.

    I suppose it’s funny when they zap people in hospital beds for urine samples, unruly children, and pregnant women too? So for all of you people who are saying \”Do it again, Do it again…\” just think about what you’re saying. They can count bullet holes but they can’t count how many times they shock you with 50,000 volts. That is borderline torture. I don’t care who you are, I guarantee that if you’ve been zapped you won’t want it happening to you again.

    Do it again? Whatever…

    I’m not a police-state boot licker. I despise officers using their \”stormtrooper\” status to bully people. They are not above the law, as some may think they are. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of title/rank. No accountability (and lowering standards)breeds corruption.

    Policemen have a hard job and that is why not everyone can be an officer. I resent the scum who abuse their power in the name of \”protecting and serving\” my community. It gives a black eye to all of the good officers that are doing their damn job right.

    Maybe I should just be quiet. I mean the brownshirt mentality worked 60 years ago, why not now?

    Just do as they say. That’s right, Resistance is futile.


    Dude, relax. It’s called a joke. Your examples and rhetoric have little to do with this.

    That said, you weren’t there, so you don’t know what ultimately made the officer use the taser. We can’t see in the car, we can’t hear what’s being said, we don’t know what led up to the stop.

    Finally, you’re wrong about the taser. When it is fired, \”confetti\” is released with the serial number of the taser on each piece. Also, the taser can be hooked up to a device to gauge the number of times it was \”fired\”.


    According to what I have heard about the incident, the woman tried to swing at the other officer that was leaning in the vehicle. She was warned 4 times that she will be tasered, she called his bluff. Officers rely on their voice commands for control of a situation. Use of any type of force afterwards, has to be taken, otherwise what good is their enforcement if there is no enforcement. Liken it to a child having a parent say he will be punished if he does some act again. If the child does the act again, and the parent stands idly by, they are useless as guardians.

    Why aren’t the womenís actions questioned. She was speeding through intersections(in front of the police) and playing a dangerous game of roulette with other people’s lives.

    And like the officer told the lady(as most officers already have), they had been tasered themselves, and it wasn’t that bad. I would hardly think that they were masochist.

    I don’t think anyone is a POLICE STATE BOOT LICKER, but there are laws that must be abided by for a civil society. Anything short breeds anarchy, and unless your an anarchist, what is your endgame.

    Criminals thrive on the compassion, and folly of others. For their understanding to make their way of life acceptable.


    And if you don’t like the police state of this country, there’s always North Korea, or Cuba, bring sunscreen for the latter 😉


    I’ll agree that this woman had a major attitude BUT I’m on the fence as too how quickly the officer tased her. He got very aggressive with demands when she was on the phone telling someone where she was and what was going on. as a female, when I’m driving alone my guard is up, I don’t trust the police officers either. I have many friends who are officers so don’t think I’m a cop basher but I’ve also heard some really bad stories of bad cops and people posing as cops, etc.
    If I’m correct, i THINK it was said that he was in an unmarked car, not sure if that’s the case but if it was, I would have been on my cell telling someone where i was and what was happening immediately.
    I guess that’s where i am on her side for no other reason than she was alone and wanted to notify someone of her situation and in the midst of it, he tases her. Maybe if she had a better attitude he would have been fine with the phone call.
    In support of the cop, she was completely resistent, refused to listen and was very verbally aggresive. i don’t really know what other options he had.


    It’s too bad she had to get tased to finally lose the attitude. I agree with Ryan’s post except for one thing… you CAN hear most of what is being said. Gimmee a break! Oh no, no, no… the fact that she was speeding had nothing to do with her being pulled over, now way, she’s just victim. Please… I guess I’m a victim, too. In my many years of driving I’ve been pulled over at least a dozen times, and guess what? I got a ticket each and every time! And guess what else, I was speeding… that’s why I got pulled over and that’s why I got a ticket. That’s also why I kept my mouth shut and took the ticket… because I got caught and that’s how the game is played… sometimes (most of the time) you win, sometimes you lose. I’ve gotten a dozen tickets, sure, but hey, I’ve been speeding a thousand times! So my average is looking pretty good.

    Probably with very few exceptions, everyone get’s away with things they know are wrong. So when the other guy catches you once in while, just deal with it and move on.

    Or you can be a-hole about it and get tased, it’s up to you.

    I’m glad she got \”tased\”. I think her punishment should be \”a tase a day\” for a month. They should find her parents and tase them, too. They should have raised her better.

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