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  • #41281

    \”He laughed and said if they lifted the gun ban the population of DC would be reduced by half in one year\”

    Yeah, because people who kill care if there’s a gun ban or not. 🙄


    Or maybe their more scared of their own constitutional rights then they are of the criminals. 8)


    When I carried, I did not have much self defense training and the fire arm was really my only option when it came to life and death. Now I can carry anywhere I like, but choose not to much of the time, much like Marine posted earlier. I have many more options and would prefer not to kill someone unless I have to. Also, I just don’t see the need to 95% of the time. Yes, I know the reasons people do and that is fine.

    I think I mentioned it before but the times I have brandished a weapon the person about to die backed off fast enough where the final trigger pull was not needed. I would still say that having a weapon and being willing to use it saved my a$$ twice…. Another time, it just made some guy piss his pants. (Hotels really should NOT assign two people to the same room and if you get to a room that is locked from the inside, do NOT try and break in….) The two saves involve a car jacking and three deep woods rednecks and a baseball bat.



    All gun-toting criminals can now safely move to San Francisco:


    quote :

    Colorado has the \”Make my day\” law which basically says that is someone breaks into your house you can blow them to pieces without any criminal action being taken against you. Period.

    So if a drunk guy loses his keys, stumbles to your house, thinks it’s his, pops the window and climbs in, you can shoot him, right? That’s what you’re saying.

    I realize that was said months ago, but seeing as the thread is alive again, and this in near the top and not corrected, I’m going to go ahead.

    You cannot, in Colorado, just shoot someone who breaks into your house.

    In addition to them being in your house, you also have to

    1) Believe they have comitted, or will commit, a crime IN ADDITION to the B&E
    2) Believe they mean to harm you.

    Text of the law (the \”Make My Day\” law)
    8-1-704.5 – Use of deadly physical force against an intruder.

    (1) The general assembly hereby recognizes that the citizens of
    Colorado have a right to expect absolute safety within their own

    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 18-1-704, any
    occupant of a dwelling is justified in using any degree of physical
    force, including deadly
    physical force, against another person when that other person has
    made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a
    reasonable belief
    that such other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in
    addition to the uninvited entry, or is committing or intends to commit
    a crime against a person or
    property in addition to the uninvited entry, and when the occupant
    reasonably believes that such other person might use any physical
    force, no matter how
    slight, against any occupant.


    Flaw is…in homes, not always too many witnesses at night. Someone breaks into my apartment (under this law) I can kill him then say he made a threat against my life which gave me, the occupant,
    \”reasonable belief that such other person might use any physical
    force, no matter how slight, against any occupant. \”

    Key word is reasonable belief and any physical force NO MATTER HOW SLIGHT. If the guy touches me or threatens to touch me he can be shot. This is how loopholes work. I dont live in Colorado. I like the law and how it protects its legal gun owners.

    Keep in mind folks…not all gun owners are trigger happy Yo Sammity Sams. We do have brains and just like with Krav training are able to understand when and where to use what force. Of course…there are always dumbasses out there who do own guns, and take krav, and are trigger happy. But this is a small % of the overall population of gun owners.

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