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    hello all,
    i was all set to give the blue belt test and was training hard. in one level 4 class, we were doing the ‘circle of death’ (kind of a free-for-all). while taking the guy down, i twisted the knee and tore my acl (confirmed by mri).
    its been more than 2 months and i have decided against surgery for now. wondering if there is anything in krav maga that i can still do. there’s no pain and the knee is moderately stable. i can’t pivot much.. but would like atl east some form of exercise.

    any ideas? experiences?



    My long experience with torn MCL.

    Give some rest, because if not healed properly you will face decades long pain even after it’s healed.

    Which ever knee you injured, even you feel stable will affect the other non-injured leg. Your other leg is doing a job to balance off(carrying load for injured leg even a single moment just standing up or walking), therefore in a long run will give a severe stress equivalent to your injured knee.
    My injury started from left MCL but my right MCL is weak because of this stress.

    This is not a matter of pain, it won’t hurt much tearing a ligament. It is the body weight you will be loading on to your injured knee that will kill you in a long run.

    If possible try to carry off the load of your body weight by burning fats( on a contrary you should be resting too ).
    I just hope you don’t experience the same amount of pain which I’ve suffered for a long time. Follow you doctor’s guidance for the next few months, and then make up your mind after that.


    I have had ACL issues for a LONG time. I avoided surgery by hitting the iron hard and heavy with my legs. I got to the point where I was pushing 1000 pounds on the leg press in sets of ten.

    Now, where KM comes into that…. When I shifted focus from iron to KM my quads evantually went back to normal size and my knee problems came back. (as did a shoulder issue) My ACL no longer hurts when it pops out but does pop out regularly in KM. (once every few training events) I do a quad strech and put it back in but here is what might be applicable to you. I cannot do a round house with my right leg with much force. I can do straight kicks and do them full power. There are other moves that might pop it out as well, but if you train you learn what you can do and what you shouldn’t do…… I focus on what I can do and hate to say it, but go through the motions on what I can’t……

    Keep practicing but practice smart. If your injury is new, you might want to seek an MD’s advice and see if a break is in order in your training.



    1000 pounds on the leg press? 😯 That’s like almost ten of me! Show off… 🙄 😉


    Knee injury

    Hey, I had a similar problem. I was also trianing for my Black Belt and durning this time I developed a knee problem. Long story short, I had chipped my knee in 4 spots and the chips were floating around in the knee area. They even went in with a lazor. As I was told by the Dr. as I was trying to convince him and my wife to let me finish the test, that it does not matter the rank you obtain if your injury prevents you from being able to defend yourself. He told me to quit while I still could physically defend myself. I would think that I am in better shape now from the surgery, but he makes sense. IT would be great if I had a Black Belt, but not worth the risk of injuring myself permenatly. I had to think damn long and hard before I decided not to take the BB test due to the physicall nature of it, but when it is all said and done, I am still able to defend and teach as well as I ever could and better in fact, and plan on staying that way.


    Why wouldn’t you get surgery for a torn ACL??


    Get the surgery. It took about 10 months to come back 75% and about 12 months 100%. But I trained with weights for the entire time and came back stronger. Four years later and still no problems.


    Just had a more minor knee surgery for torn meniscus. This is a secondary stabilizer, unlike the ACL, and it was very hit-and-miss with my training. Sometimes things were almost ok, other times I would have swelling and pain.

    Bottom line is that many injuries to the stabilizers in the knee just won’t heal right. The logic we apply to other injuries is that with rest and common-sense treatments, things will get better. Things did not get better or heal with either of my knee injuries.

    The surgeries run the range from inconvenience-major rehab required, but I can’t imagine doing Krav Maga at a high level, on a regular basis, without good stabilizers in my knees.




    quote \”triple_b\:

    Get the surgery. It took about 10 months to come back 75% and about 12 months 100%. But I trained with weights for the entire time and came back stronger. Four years later and still no problems.

    Hey triple_b, great to hear about your comeback. I am now 5 months post-op acl recon. I’m hoping to get the o.k. from my surgeon tomorrow to start pivoting and cutting. If so, then I’m hoping to get back to krav @ month 6. I know proper pivoting technique is going to be important in not reinjuring my knee, but I’m not too concerned with that. What I think might be a problem for my new knee is the more heavy torquing (is that a word?) involved, especially with bucking, etc. That quick torque you have to do to buck and roll when your mounted makes me a little queasy to think about how much pressure I’ll have to put on my knee. Less so, but I’m also a little concerned with the torque involved with hip throws. Most of my opponents tend to outweigh me by quite a bit, and thinking of throwing all that weight over my reconstructed knee makes me cringe. Do you have any problems with that? Also did you tear your acl in Krav or elsewhere?



    thanks everybody for your responses.

    i’ve put off surgery right now for a few reasons:
    1. have to travel a bit this year for the job
    2. the knee does not really feel unstable (unlike other friends who could not even walk with confidence). so doing something so drastic should ideally be my last choice.
    3. waiting for technology. 3 years ago arthroscopic knee surgery did not exist. one of my friends who is also a doc says it might be worth it to go easy for a couple of years and then do it.
    4. from different forums on the net, only about 40% seem to be back to original with the surgery.

    bottomline, i am ok with going easy. but i want to atleast train a bit.. but looks like even that might not be possible.


    ..\”thanks everybody for your responses.

    i’ve put off surgery right now for a few reasons:
    1. have to travel a bit this year for the job
    2. the knee does not really feel unstable (unlike other friends who could not even walk with confidence). so doing something so drastic should ideally be my last choice.
    3. waiting for technology. 3 years ago arthroscopic knee surgery did not exist. one of my friends who is also a doc says it might be worth it to go easy for a couple of years and then do it.
    4. from different forums on the net, only about 40% seem to be back to original with the surgery …\”

    Many times,the only way you can skip the ACL surgery is too change your lifestyle,avoiding those activities that stress the knee.
    Uncorrected ACL injuries can predispose your knee to degenerative arthritis changes in later years.

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