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  • #29045

    I hadn’t seen much discussion about techniques for a while so I thought I’d throw some food in for thought.

    I was reading an article on knife fighting and in it was a technique for which I had not seen a defense. The attacker carries an object in his weak hand, recommendations included dirt, sand or even chemicals. In his strong hand he is armed with the knife. Instead of leading the attack with the knife, the attacker throws whatever he has in his weak hand into your eyes and follows immediately with a stab beneath your floating ribs or into your thigh.

    I have learned knife defenses for the occasion when the first attack is with the knife, but does anyone know the Krav defense when the first step is some kind of distraction?


    Since this is obviously a premeditated attack, why not just sneak up with the knife and attack the throat or femoral? Why would you use a pattern interrupt in such a scenario?

    I don’t think the attack is likely at all, but just like anything else of this nature, you have to be aware of your surroundings. Pre-contact cues are immensely important. If you are \”blinded\”, you won’t know a knife is involved until you’ve been hacked several times, at which point it’s likely too late. However, it shouldn’t be necessary to teach you to close your eyes, that should just happen. 😉 This is another \”2×4 to the back of the head\” scenario, I’m afraid. However, if you are blinded, clinching/grappling is likely your best option, since tactile sensitivity will definitely be your best tool.


    agreed… it depends on your reaction. if you don’t react tot he first hand throwing the \”rock\” then they don’t need a hand with a rock, why not just have the knife in the first hand?

    i’d like to think if someone swings an arm at me (whether it is a punch, knife, or rock) i’d simultaneously counter-attack with any defense i make, with several counters following the initial… hopefully buying me some time to make distance..


    Where did you see that technque? Another difficult to defend against technique is to grab one leg (lets assume the knifer is holding it in his right hand) grabbing your left leg with their left arm like they’re going to take you down, then repeatedly stab the ribs, kidneys, etc. Once you’re in the position, you’re kind of out of luck, but you could defend against it before the grab- lots of techniques are like this.


    CLFMak The technique you describe is in the same booklet. The booklet is titled Take Them Down Take Them Out.

    I had the same thoughts as everyone else has posted. I was hoping there might me a preemptive technique for a person armed with a knife rather than waiting for him to make the first move.

    I have also learned LESKAS knife fighting and I can’t think of any way of taking down a trained knife fighter. Any other ideas?


    What’s LESKAS knife fighting? Anyway, if you want a good resource for knife on knife fighting, check out the Warrior’s Edge series by Cold Steel. Its the best out there that I’ve seen. The maker of it (Lynn Thompson) has skill. He holds a tournament every year for knife fighting, knife throwing, tomahawk throwing and sword fighting. I’m going to try to enter next year- cool prizes.


    I left off one caveat. I can’t think of any way to take down a trained knife fighter unless your are armed too. Stick against knife I would say stick would win. Knife against knife, hmmm, best trained best reflexes wins. Gun against knife, depends on distance. Knife wins close range, Gun wins if you have 25 feet or more distance. But empty hand against knife, I can’t think of a successful defense.


    😳 Leskas is a filipino martial art. Lema scientific kali arnis system. Stick fighting is what their most famous for, but it inclueds, Knife, Sword called bolo, Spear and open hand fighting too.

    I still prefer krav for the open hand stuff, but if I can get my hands on a cell phone, pager, or writing pen (not to mention a knife or stick) its a whole different ball game.


    The Cold Steel series deals with knife fighting at long range- the closer the range, the less reaction time you have. In archived videos, you see how Cold Steel’s president can defeat his attacker almost 100% of the time. In defense, the focus is on using offensive techniques against the weapon arm (common in FMA) using techniques like stop hits with the point or edge. The knife hand leads and is in constant motion, like in fencing- the philosophy that however the opponent attacks, he’ll have to go past the knife. If the opponent leads with his other side and keeps his knife hand back, you attack the lead forearm and leg. There’s a short section about open hand defense against a knife, and it uses the exact same principles, but applied with the hands- using checking and stop hits- much like the 360 defense. The only problem with this method overall is that with the large amount of space necessary for this range you could probably be running away, and its really geared towards larger fixed blade knives which most people don’t carry.
    As far as defending against the whole blinding thing, the best defense would probably be to secure a strong hold on the knife hand and arm, and try to knee and throw him. If he’s on the ground and you’re standing while controlling the hand, there’s various techniques you can do to attack the wrist, elbow or head even if you can’t see. Grappling allows you to use some tactile sensitivity to \”see\” what he’s doing, and lets you figure out where his body parts are. Even still you’d probaly be stabbed at some point before you could control the arm.


    \”I was hoping there might me a preemptive technique for a person armed with a knife rather than waiting for him to make the first move.\”

    Run or punch them or punch them, then run or find an improvised weapon or shield…I’m not sure what you’re looking for here. Of course you don’t have to wait for them to make the first move, though the situation may dictate that, in which case your posturing may help to dictate the type of attack they launch. In most cases, you are better off hitting first, hardest, and more often.


    tehillim…random question…any relation between your member name and my signature?


    If you see the threat early and it is at all possible, try to get away. You might also consider a preemptive series of strikes. If he surprises you with a sudden attack, you just have to do your best to try and block the knife and simultanously counter. Be savage. Hit him, eye gouge, hit the neck, if you can’t reach the face, maybe go for the groin. If you are close enough to his body, maybe you can bite him. If you can get a hold of the knife arm, maybe try to bite the tendons in the wrist, weakening his grip. You could also act crazy, scream as loud as you can, startling him and possibly making him hesitate, at least for a moment, while at the same time you continue to attack him. Whatever works. It’ll be very hard, but at least go down fighting.


    GiantKiller that’s good advice that something I could use. I asked my old krav instructor and he gave a similar response. Something to the effect of \”If your unarmed against a trained knife fighter, RUN. Survival likelihood is very low.\”

    KravMDjeff. Yes, Tehillim is hebrew for psalms. If I were a krav teacher I’d say this verse at the beginning and end of every class in place of other salutations.


    I’m getting the verse in Hebrew tattooed along my shoulders/back area.

    I can’t tell you how many times that verse went through my mind during Phase training…lots of times it was the only thing that got me through.

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