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    I have been doing Krav for a few years now, and just started BJJ last week.
    I think combining the two is pretty well rounded.

    A Haganah school opened up about ten minutes from my house. After researching on it, it sounds very similar to Krav. Does anyone have experience in that system. I am not thinking of qitting Krav to go there. I love Krav, I have great instructors, and really have just been doing it for to long to stop. I was just wondering if I could benefit by doing both, or if it would just be better to stick with the BJJ on the side of Krav.

    Thank You


    I’ve been doing Krav for 5 years, and BJJ for 10 (and various other MA’s for 30+ yrs). The two combined make for a very effective combo, especially when you learn \”no gi\” submissions. BJJ takes a lot longer to get proficient at, but give it time, it will come. Haganah, from my experience, is usaully Krav taught by someone who cannot/will not use the trademarked ($$) name Krav Maga.


    From what I know, Haganah is just a slightly different system. Some defenses are similar to Krav Maga, others are different. I think their main goal is to always end up at a \”point of reference\” when making their defense, whether it’s against weapons or empty hands. In other words, they always end up in the same position after defending and from there they have two or three options on how to proceed. They could kill the attacker by breaking the neck, take him down, or counter attack and leave (This might not be 100% correct, just what I remember from what I’ve read).

    Their knife defenses are done with two hands I think and stepping out of the way of the knife, rather than defense and counter and getting in, as we do it.

    Also, they have a specific class schedule where you’ll go through all of the defenses once and then start back at the beginning and so forth. (So, it’s possible you might deal with knives in your very first class).

    So, there are some differences. I’ve never taken it, so I can’t really compare the effectiveness of their defenses with the effectiveness of ours.

    I think the main instructor in the US is this guy Mike Kanarek (not sure about the last name). Google him and you can find his website. They have a forum also, there you can get more information. His school is based in Miami I think.

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