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    Well as in all excercise that I have done in my life, I have the type of body where it all tones up nice and quickly during my workout but my gut just stays more or less the same.

    This is complicated by the fact that I seem to have weaker stomach muscles than most.

    My class never entails gut work and I am sure there is a reason for it. Is there anything that you all suggest that I do for my gut that is related to Krav?

    I guess my question is a little bit subjective and there may be no exact answer.

    Sorry, I can be a little bit analytical.

    Any thoughts?



    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    The school where I trained Krav at incorporated AB/core exercises during the warm-up and threw them in occassionally during class to fatique students. At other schools where I was a guest at, they also incorporated some core exercises. Maybe you should ask your instructor about it.

    On a side note: I’ve been neglecting my ABs/core work lately during my fitness routines. They just started up a 45 minute ABs/core conditioning class at the fitness center where I live. I attended today – whew! I had no problem doing all the routines, but I know I will pay for it tomorrow and a couple days to follow. I might add that I done an hour and a half of cardio and physical conditioning prior to the class. Gluten for punishment I guess.


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    You cannot “spot” condition supposedly. Something I learned a long time ago is it’s 90 % diet when nit comes to bodybuilding or shaping. Give you an example, because you may not buy what i’m saying.

    I had to lose weight for a job. Had trained at Vince Gironda’s gym, Golds and with 2 Mr america’s so I had the base. But I never had to lose weight before. I went into the gym and worked out hard over an hour a day. 12 weeks later, i weighed the same, looked pretty much the same. Disappointed in the results.

    I went on the BODY FOR LIFE program, cut my workouts in half the time and lost 6 inches on my gut and 25 lbs while building muscle and strength in 6 or 7 weeks. I swear this to you and the diet was made easy because I liked the shakes. Worked great for me and about 7 other guys in my gym at the time

    What I learned was diet is the key. Its about metabolism and though exercise helps, food is crucial.

    Oh I’m not selling BFL, I’m just saying look at your diet as krav will take care of the core without specific core exercises cause your using your core all the way thru it


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    Diet is king specially in mid section. As a matter of fact several University studies came out within the last few months stating the importance of diet when trying to loose weight regardless of how much you work out.

    I have seen it myself, to loose some body fat % i eat clean for about week/ week 1/2 and keep same routine and see the difference quickly. Before when i wanted to do same, i wouldn’t pay much attention to diet just eating fairly healthy and working myself to death 6 days a week 2hrs and barely saw results, I won’t lie i was in better overall shape and performance but not fat%.

    We have some real knowledgeable guys in here regarding working out and dieting i’m sure they’ll chip in.


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    Here is some good basic information on diet.


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    How do I get stronger ab muscles, and how do I get rid of this gut, are really two separate questions, although often confused. Getting rid of the gut is really quite simple though most find it hard. Simple, because it is mostly diet as stated above.

    Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

    Simple right? It is. Eat meat and as much vegetables as you can handle. Some nuts and seeds. Throw out the bread, grains, pasta, rice and sugar. You’ll lose bodyfat like crazy. Simple, but most people find it very hard.

    How do you get your abs stronger? Depends what you want to do. In my world strong abs stabilize the spine during athletic or explosive movement. If you can deadlift upwards of twice your bodyweight, clean 1.5 times your bodyweight, overhead squat your own bodyweight 15 times, do a front lever on a bar or a planche guess what your abs will be strong. Guess what, the best way to get your abs strong is to do those types of exercises, their progressions and derivatives.


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    quote garddawg:

    Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

    Simple right? It is. Eat meat and as much vegetables as you can handle. Some nuts and seeds. Throw out the bread, grains, pasta, rice and sugar. You’ll lose bodyfat like crazy. Simple, but most people find it very hard.


    When testing or doing endurance type events or even say class. Do you carb with grain/beans. Noticed that Cordain modified the die t for athletes. Will the paleo modality sustain the athletes efforts?


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    Nope. Pretty much try to keep my folks sugar and gluten free. Our anecdotal observations is that the health and performance benefits are huge. We use a Paleo/Zone prescription with food quality coming from fairly strict Paleo and an athletes Zone for intake levels.


    Re: Krav "friendly" stomach/gut excercises

    quote garddawg:

    Nope. Pretty much try to keep my folks sugar and gluten free. Our anecdotal observations is that the health and performance benefits are huge. We use a Paleo/Zone prescription with food quality coming from fairly strict Paleo and an athletes Zone for intake levels.

    Do you know why Cordain changed the fomula for endurance athletes or athletes in general? Beraidi (SP) pretty much claimed paleo exept for pre and post workout in his 7 habits..Precisin Nutrition up Canada `way hey. Just curious, as I think paleo makes sense

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