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    Just had my level 1 test on Saturday, and 2 days later I’m still feeling sore and beaten. This got me thinking that I leave every class feeling like I’ve learned great stuff, but if I get jumped on my way home I’m in trouble cuz I’m in so much pain 🙂

    Anyone ever feel like constant training makes you worse off cuz you’re in a perpetual state of recovery?


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    listen to your body and rest when you need to. RECOVERY IS A MUST!


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    I wouldn’t say I’m “worse off” but it does seem a bit off-putting at times when I think about the fact something is pretty much strained, sore, tight, pulled, touchy, bruised, etc. at all times now. Some days it’s a hamstring, others a shoulder, still others a quad…depending on what I worked on that week. Last week as we left class one of my friends said, “Why is it that every time I walk out of here something else is sore?????”

    Congratulations on enduring the test, I hope you passed!


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    I was recovering for about a week after my test a month ago….I understand…oye just thinking about it makes me sore again. Arnica gel does wonders for that, so does bryonia alba. If you’re not into the gel stuff the natural food stores tend to have the sublingual pellet things you melt under your tongue. I thank my hippie friends for that tip.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    Agree. I think that all criminals, aspiring assassins, and miscellaneous na’er-do-wells should extend us the professional courtesy of waiting at least 24 hours after a class before attacking.

    I am involved in so many hard physical sports that I haven’t had a truly pain free day in 20 years. I use this basic rule: if it still hurts after warming up, then you are injured and you should lay off until you recover. But if the soreness goes away once you get started, then you are good to go. That may not be medically accurate, but it works for me.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    MagaMike, that has been pretty much my rule of thumb. I love feeling the pain, much better feeling than sitting in front of the computer at work all day.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    touche kazak….touche


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    Any soreness I feel tends to go away when the actual class gets started. I pray to God this will be the case if I ever get jumped the days following a class, because if it doesn’t I’m a dead man. :chair:

    Oh and I think criminals should by kind enough to grant us 48 hours of recovery before attacking because I’m always more sore the day after I finish a workout.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    Hello all. Honestly, if you were to get get jumped, robbed, or raped and your body was sore, your brain wouldn’t even have time to think about the soreness and your adrenaline would activate the physiological response called “fight or flight”. Your training would kick in and you will do what your trained to do if you’ve trained effectively and efficiently. You would be surprised to see what your body is capable of during times of high stress.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    It hurts so good!

    The mental “High” I get overcomes any soreness I might have.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    If you really push it, you’ll always be exhausted. I know I really have a lot more stamina than I did…but I’m starting to realise how much further I can go.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    Well I just found out I passed my test so I guess all the pain was worth it 🙂

    Went back to class for the first time and it seemed like nothing compared to the test … guess it was good for me after all! thumbsup


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    quote blitzshlag:

    Well I just found out I passed my test so I guess all the pain was worth it 🙂

    Went back to class for the first time and it seemed like nothing compared to the test … guess it was good for me after all! thumbsup

    I figure if nothing else I will get a killer workout. The advice one of my instructors gave me helped a lot to give me an idea of what I’m gonna have to deal with. She said the test would deal heavily with intensity. She said they definitely want to make sure I can do the moves correctly but more so want to make sure that if I screw up I can correct myself. I was advised that If we were told to do something like straight punches and I notice we have been doing it for an extended period of time, to do a mental check if I am doing everything correctly because it means someone taking the test is screwing up and the instructor is waiting to see if they will realize it and do it correctly. and of course, I was told to give it everything I have.thumbsup

    Not sure how it is at our facility, but how long did it take you to be told whether or not you passed?


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    quote Night Robin:

    Not sure how it is at our facility, but how long did it take you to be told whether or not you passed?

    Took a week for me…but quite a few tested.


    Re: Krav is killing my self defense ability 🙂

    I took the test on Saturday and got the results that Thursday. It took a while because the instructor wanted to sit down with each student to go over what they did right and wrong, not just say “you passed”.

    The test is 4-5 hours so your technique is going to go to hell by the end, I was told the most important thing is to keep the intensity and aggression up, because on the street that’s a lot more important than proper form. I’d also recommend carbo-loading and hydrating like crazy the day before the test. Good luck!

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