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    Re: Krav Maga Alone?


    This might be usefull for some people.

    As a woman it could be worth while thinking what the most likely attack against you would be statistically. This might change around the world.

    Though I believe I read that man vs woman violence/assaults are normally grapple based in nature. Therefore a grapple based system would probably be the best compliment to KM. Also because it greatest is probably KM’s weakness.

    Anyway just my 2 cents.


    Re: Krav Maga Alone?


    I’m new to Krav Maga but one of the things that attracted me to it is that it is an ever-evolving system. Remember the whole Israeli military/national mindset of if it works, make it your own and junk the stuff that isn’t working. This is how they continuously win wars/conflicts with their enemies.

    I come from a mixed martial arts background. Hapkido, Kajukenbo, BJJ ( & Army H2H back in the day). I also teach defensive tactics as a collateral duty for my job (LEO) 6-8 times a year. Our Def-Tac. program is a mix of (all basics) Muay Thai, the SPEAR system, BJJ & arrest/control tactics. It evolves and changes a bit every time I go back to FLETC to re-certify. I think this is a good thing.

    It seems lately that every SOB on the street has trains or is at least a MMA fan or back yard brawler. Don’t forget the professional criminal that spends more time in prison then on the street. Prison is gladiator school and just makes them better predators. I spent 5 years as a C/O before going into the field.

    You NEED to cross train to keep relevant with the times. I have seen a steady trend of bad guys getting more sophisticated fight skills as of late. Many Krav Maga Instructors have extensive backgrounds and pass this onto the students. However, like many have already said, this will depend on your school.

    Now not all BJJ schools may be a good pick for a Krav student to cross train at. At my school, we roll “Jits-with hits” half the time to keep our BJJ street smart. No sport stuff. Self-defense and MMA related BJJ most of the time. Many schools are so focused on sport BJJ that they haven’t rolled with MMA gloves or punched ever. Keep this in mind if you go looking for a BJJ school to cross train at. So many sport moves are smooth and look cool but leave you WIDE open for a punch.

    To rap it up, I plan to keep training BJJ 1-2 times a week along with Krav Maga. I am extremely impressed with the Krav Maga School I’ve looked at and think the instructors are extremely talented. Their resumes rock and from what I’ve seen, they are no joke. If I had to pick only one system/art to train, (and that need may arise) I think I’d pick the Krav School for the extreme diversity of training, fitness and self-defense.

    Stay safe…

    Ps- I do feel that some stand-up/striking based arts could have a negative affect on your Krav Maga. In some cases, maybe a conflict of style, philosophy, etc. The grappling arts (generally speaking) are a different game altogether that will likely not interfere with your Krav Maga.


    Re: Krav Maga Alone?

    I’ve heard Rickson Gracie on Joe Rogan’s Podcast criticize the more sport focused BJJ and it’s departure from self defense. That’s cool that your school keeps it in the self defense realm.

    We used to have a more MMA focused arm of classes at our school. I would bring certain things from the MMA class into the KM class. Dropping one hand to torque a round kick. Going straight into a covering defense rather than working inside defenses for punches. Going for a submission rather than getting back to my feet. Had to break some habits.


    Re: Krav Maga Alone?

    I train at a No-Gi MMA based school. We do have guys that compete in BJJ tournaments and they all do well, but most of the guys are amateur MMA fighters. It’s a 10th planet based school so it requires a lot of flexibility and athleticism. :combat:

    Ironically I’ve been thinking of switching to a Gi Gracie/ BJJ school in the area. It’s still a great self defense oriented school but not as hard core. All the guys at my current school are half my age and beasts. I think I’m getting too old for that type of training. :tantrum:

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