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    I have all 5 of Moni Aizik’s original DVD’s for sale. They retail for 139 plus shipping. I’ll sell them for 100, shipping included.

    I also have Amir Perets DVD’s Vol. I and II. Retails for 59 plus shipping. I’ll sell both for 40, shiping included.

    I also have Richard Dimitri’s The Shredder and Shredder Enhancer. These would be 140 dollars retail plus shipping, I’ll sell them for 75, shipping included.

    Finally, Systema Hand to Hand. 59 retail plus shipping. From me, 30, shipping included.

    I have other martial arts DVD’s as well. All original. Such as a 10 volume Sambo Set, 10 volume Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu set and many others.

    Email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

    (These are all originals. I respect this forum and am getting rid of a bunch of my material for financial reasons. I am not intending to use this as a method of conducting a business. I just want to give everyone on this forum the first opportunity to buy some good material at a very affordable price. Thank you for your understanding, I hope someone finds something they want.) 🙂


    Moni Azik does not = Krav Maga as we practice it

    go take your advertisement somewhere else.


    Many people here cross train in many things. Bas Rutten is not Krav Maga either, but he is involved in the Krav Maga organization. Amir Perets has put out his own spin on Krav Maga and he comes from the organization.

    There is no reason to be a jerk about it. Some people want these DVDs and since I already took the hit of buying them retail, I figured someone here might want them way cheaper than retail. Like I tried to kindly explain, THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS. I’m not \”advertising\”. These are just used DVD’s that I need to get rid of for financial reasons and thought guys here might want them. Since I’ve received over 7 emails for people interested in purchasing them, I think I was right.


    Moni Aizik Still Available

    Thanks to everyone here who purchased all the DVD’s I was selling.

    The only set left is the Moni Aizik 5 DVD set. I’ll drop the price from 100 to 75 for the first person to email me. Honestly, it’s a great set. Moni does some cool things on there like live choke outs, VERY good rape defense and some solid weapons disarms.

    [email protected]


    Moni Azik is not Krav. He is his own style. Appreciate your false advertisement as you can now be sued for it and using a copyrighted/trademarked name.


    Thanks everyone for the great response on the Israeli Arts DVD’s I had available.

    The only set left is the 5 volume Moni Aizik Combat Survival Krav Maga set.

    I’ll sell it right now for 50 dollars, shipping included.

    [email protected]

    it won’t last at 50 very long, so email fast. Thanks.

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