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    I moved to a country where there is only one KM school and it’s on the complete opposite side of where I live. I bought a heavy bag to practice solo, does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep practicing KM techniques alone and with a heavy bag?

    Much appreciated!


    Re: Krav Maga/ Heavy Bag

    I try to practice outside of class solo as well, but it’s obviously difficult without a partner. Usually what I do is stand in front of the bag (I have a Century Bob punching dummy) and then imagine the attack I’m defending against and make the defensive movements, but when it’s time to strike, I hit the bag. Obviously, you can practice any striking and kicking movement great with a bag. But ground fighting and all that is a bit of a stretch. They do make ground fighting dummies you can order on-line, but I just really can’t see those being very useful.

    Bag work is very effective at training strength, stamina, and technique though. I remember that the first time I tried hitting the focus mitts I really struggled with my coordination and targeting. But after a few months of Bas Rutten workouts on my punching dummy I find I’m good at combos on the focus mitts whenever we use them now.

    Good luck – at least you’ll stay fit!


    Re: Krav Maga/ Heavy Bag

    Thanks Mike. I think at the least I can practice form. I thought about one of those ground fighting dummies, but figure I could use my brother in law for that!


    Re: Krav Maga/ Heavy Bag

    Use a heavy bag and go through the punch combos and kicks. The nice thing about bags is you can go nice and hard because you don’t have to worry about injuring your partner.

    I also have the B.O.B. standing dummy bag and I will go through defenses on it and use it for targeting and hitting at full speed / power.

    The other thing to do like MagaMike mentioned, is to get the Bas Rutten workout cd’s. Those are great for working on your combos and kicks. You can pretty much change the workout however you want to include elbows, knees, etc.

    Just even shadow boxing and practicing defenses over and over without a partner will help build your muscle memory.

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