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    hi there just need some advice,iam starting a krav maga class this week and due to work commitments ,i can only make it once a week.the class is on for 90 mins , i would also practice at home aswell.i kno i wont progress as fast as someone who goes 4 or 3 times a week, so just wanner kno would there be progression over time



    Re: krav maga once a week?

    Once a week is better than Nonce a week.


    Re: krav maga once a week?

    Yes. Also something that I tend not to do myself, but am trying to get better at: debrief yourself after class. Take an hour or whatever for lunch, do something else, then sit down and think through what you did in class and perhaps make some notes. (I have even been known to video myself doing a particular technique because it’s faster than trying to write it all down. It also provides a lot of amusement for my girlfriend. Whatever, lady.) This very simple tactic reinforces learning for a minor time expenditure and maximizes your class time whether it’s once a day or once a week.


    Re: krav maga once a week?

    Once a week is rough I’d recommend watching a lot of video Try and find someone who will come work with you. I know a lot of systems use a lot of drills which is hard to do on your own. Right now I only train Krav twice a week and BJJ the rest of the days. But I have a pretty good base already I had been doing krav for a couple years 3-4 times a week. But if your Brand new it may be very hard doing it once a week.


    Re: krav maga once a week?

    The only thing you can realistically practice at home is shadow boxing, or bag striking. It isn’t bad, but it isn’t sparring. If that’s all that is available, make the best of it and krav on. Read books, watch youtube videos and mimic what you see to the best of your ability, try out what you learn from youtube/books and in under supervision, ask questions of your instructors and grow in your own time. Go slow on new techniques and stay within your range of knowledge, you aren’t going to be rebuilding engines if you don’t know how to open the hood; similarly you aren’t going to be landing an Americana if you can’t land a punch.


    Re: krav maga once a week?

    quote TacticalTimmy:

    …make the best of it and krav on.

    In honor of Tactical Timmy:


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