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    Hello – first post to these forums. I started training in Krav Maga October 2014, to learn basic self defense. I enjoy the school, the instructors are Teakwondo black belts by trade. However, in researching different Krav Maga schools – I have seen different testing styles. My school uses Teakwondo belt ranks, and the first test is orange belt. The test has a written component (one page) and a 7 minute physical test. The physical test is about 10 different techniques at a non-stop pace.

    I took my first test this week, but failed by 10 points mostly to due to insufficient aggression and lack of cardio. I had done the test in private lessons and did fine – but I did the “real test” after taking a class and I was gassed out. A part of me feels like I shouldn’t have even been allowed to test..

    When I read in these forums I see students that have 3-5 hour tests for Level 1 / first belt. No way I would pass that! Are there different types of Krav Maga? Just curious, as I really enjoy Krav and want to make sure I am at the right place.


    Re: Krav Maga Testing Styles (failed 1st test)

    I think when you see 3 to 5 hour test,that didn’t mean an instructor tested each student for that length of time.Instead,that time interval included the regular class time too.My test didn’t go any where near that length of time. (…& I failed the first time also)


    Re: Krav Maga Testing Styles (failed 1st test)

    At our school it’s standard for lower level tests to run about four hours and higher level ones to run six or more. There is no class component to the test. You’re there to test, not for a review. There is also no written test. I think our instructors’ only interest in pens or pencils is in their potential as improvised weapons. 😉

    The first portion of the tests is an extended warm-up. This serves to warm you up to help prevent injury, but also to get you tired. The instructors want to see how you do when you’re tired and at a disadvantage, as those are the conditions Krav is training you to operate in. The instructors do take this into account. Their expectations factor in the fact that they’ve worn you out and your current level. They expect techniques to look very good for a brown belt and allow for the inevitable errors at lower levels. In all cases, they expect the student to “stay in the fight” and to be as effective as they are able to be.

    The intensity does vary throughout the test, but you keep moving the whole time. The combative tend to be very cardio intensive, while evaluating breakfalls and ground techniques are less so. In a four hour test the students may get three or four 90 second breaks for water.


    Re: Krav Maga Testing Styles (failed 1st test)

    There are several different krav maga organizations, but the principles and techniques should be generally similar (with some slight variations). You may want to find out which organization the school is part of (if any) or where your instructor trained/got certified. That may be able to give you more details on any differences. Orange belt sounds normal, but not sure about taekwondo belts. My first test was about 5-6 hours long.

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