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    Taking advantage of recent storms I went skiing in the local mountains the other day. Sleeply little place, not a lot of people, practically no waiting at the lift lines. Now, I’m a regular skier and as all regular skiers know snowboarders are the children of the devil. 😈 😆 So, as I was watching some of them take off their boards as they were getting ready to get on the lift, I was naturally thinking, what if one of them were to get really mad about something (maybe erroneously thinking that I was cutting in line for example) and suddenly attempted to hit me with his snowboard? Stick defense for sure, but how would I step in, still being on my skis? I guess I could just do the defense standing in place, but what about the follow up? Would I be able to get in close enough to get a hold of his arm and prevent him from striking me further? What about the knee, could I knee him with skis on? Could I push the tip of my ski into his groin instead?

    Then, what if he just tried to swing at me with his fists? What if he circled around me? How would I move? How would I strike? Could I use my skis as weapons? Remember, I’m assuming now I’m down at the lift, so skiing away is not an option and there is no time to take off the skis.

    So, has anyone ever used Krav Maga while skiing or been in an altercation in the snow? I guess there’s not much snow in Israel, so the topic might not come up there very often, but here in the US, I guess danger is all around us… 😉


    Dude – your on skis there is much more important things to do! I am envious!


    That reminds me of extreme weather training for EUCOM platoons with NAVSPECWAR. Everything we would normally do, the platoons going to Europe wind up practicing on their skies. I’ve never had to do it, but I hear IADs (Immediate Action Drills) while on skies is a REAL pain in the arse!

    I’m not a skier but if you were on skies, wouldn’t you be about 3-5 feet away at least? Hell, I’d just pick up one foot and kick them in the shins with my ski!! Then turn around and head down hill. Seems like it would work fairly well.


    What the?

    Why does everything have to be so difficult? Should I do this defense or that one, can I do this or that, can I knee with skis?

    Just punch the guy before he has a chance to hit you with the snowboard. Problem solved.

    Seriously.. why wait for someone to attack you? If the shit’s going to hit the fan, you might as well end it before it starts.

    Next question/scenario.


    You know you think about combatives too much when you put ona a ski boot and think about how it would be ideal for a front kick to the shin.

    Eric: These scenarios are sort of fun, and usually not really serious- look at all the weird theoretical scenarios giantkiller has posted. Lighten up a little 😀



    quote \”CLFMak\:

    Eric: These scenarios are sort of fun, and usually not really serious- look at all the weird theoretical scenarios giantkiller has posted. Lighten up a little 😀

    I’m waiting for G-killer to come up with a space-station scenario…a ruskie cosmonaut starting some shyte up over an empty vodka bottle. Would a side headlock release be effective in zero gravity? 😆


    Umm…if you’re skiing, you should have two escrima or arnis like sticks called ski poles that could probably due some serious damage over his awkward swinging of a snowboard.



    Naw, the poles I’m using are really light, they wouldn’t hurt a fly.

    I don’t think I’d be able to hit first, I’m on my skis, so I probably couldn’t reach him and he has a long range weapon (the board). Skiing away would be good if I could, but that at the bottom of that lift was basically a dead end. I wonder how strongly I could kick with my skis. A groin kick with the tip may do the trick. I guess I should have tried this some more while I was still on the skis, but then I didn’t want to look like a total nut. 😆

    G.V., excellent scenario, makes me wonder if a punch would even hurt in zero gravity, because you weigh nothing, so how could you put your weight into the punch? On the other hand, it may all be about mass vs weight. And how about velocity? In the videos, the people operating in zero gravity are all moving kind of slowly. Could you give a fast punch or kick? Any physicists here?



    If you launch yourself off of something fixed (a wall, for instance), you could get good velocity going.


    Hmmmm, so instead of a punch or kick, maybe I could use my whole body. Grab my legs, with one arm, push off with the other than fly towards my opponent, like a cannonball or something. And biting could work. Biting always works. 😈



    After the pushoff, it’s all about technique: http://www.screenfaces.com/images/news/Superman%20Flying.jpg


    So, how would I fight Superman if I were on my skis inside a spaceship?


    I once had a problem similar to this but luckily I had my light sabre and it scarred all the little snowboarders away.

    ❓ ❓ ❓


    A light ski pole may not be very useful as a club, but it would work quite well with the \”WW2 combatives\” 2 handed type stick stuff:


    Those are some pretty cool links! For some of those strikes the ski poles may be too long, though. And of course the opponent has to be pretty close for this to work.

    I like the umbrella fighting. That’s very Krav-like, fighting with everyday objects, although in Southern California umbrellas may not always be handy. Still, for the rainy season, this is perfect. John, can we have an umbrella fighting class? 😀 😆

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