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    Last night I was watching CSI New York (not really one of my favorite shows BTW) and the technique a killer used on his victom(s). In checking the killer’s background, one of the officers said he had trained in Krav Maga in Europe and used the “killing” techniques on his victoms. Namely a kick to the thigh to paralize the leg, dropping the vic to the ground. Then a punch to the solarplex causing tghe vic to suffocate and die. “killing” techniques?? I thought – well maybe if the punch was hard enough. Any thought on this?


    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    quote BradM:

    Last night I was watching CSI New York (not really one of my favorite shows BTW) and the technique a killer used on his victom(s). In checking the killer’s background, one of the officers said he had trained in Krav Maga in Europe and used the “killing” techniques on his victoms. Namely a kick to the thigh to paralize the leg, dropping the vic to the ground. Then a punch to the solarplex causing tghe vic to suffocate and die. “killing” techniques?? I thought – well maybe if the punch was hard enough. Any thought on this?

    TV shows (and all of hollyweird) are crap for realism- it is all about ratings… CSI is one of the worst as far as real law enforcement (and there are many bad ones)…

    I am by no means an expert on anything here… but the kick sounds like the kick to the peronial (sp?) nerve. If you kick the outside of the thigh about midway down you can definitely take out someone’s ability to control their leg- temporarily. I have done it and had it done to me- and I can verify it DOES work. It WILL drop the average bear.

    As far as a suffocating solar plexus punch- well, I have had a few of those over the years and they can be scary because you really cannot breath until the diaphragm decides it wants to work. I do not really know if someone will actually die from this though. It seems to me humans in general are not THAT vulnerable. If a single punch to the solar plexus can kill us, we would probably know it by now… lol

    Stay safe!


    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    I can’t speak to the solar plexus, but I have been kicked hard on the thigh (in that special spot) and my leg just would not work. It eventually loosened up, but it was disconcerting to say the least. . .


    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    SicPuppy and NavyOne,
    I agree with you both. I have been both kicked in the thigh, many times, and hit in the solar plex while sparring in Krav Maga. There were times when the kick to the thigh temporarily paralyzed my leg making it diffucult to move it. But, it never caused me to fall to the floor. I was still able to stand on it and make an attempt to defend myself, to some extent anyway. I’ve had the breath knocked out of me due to a punch or kick to the solar plex and it was a very uncomfortable and scary feeling – all most helpless until I could breath again. It will definitely stop most people but I doubt it would kill them. Maybe under special curcumstances.??

    I alsio agree that TV cop shows are pretty far fetched when it come to reality law enforcement. But I’m a SciFi guy and do enjoy watching some of them. But CSI NY and CSI Miami I try to avoid most of the time. The other night there wasn’t much on TV so I channeled in on CSI NY. Otherwise I would have not watched it. The reason I brought it up is that on the program the statements abut Krav Maga made it sound like Krav was the ultimate “killing” system. I don’t see it that way.


    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    quote BradM:

    SicPuppy and NavyOne,
    I agree with you both. I have been both kicked in the thigh, many times, and hit in the solar plex while sparring in Krav Maga. There were times when the kick to the thigh temporarily paralyzed my leg making it diffucult to move it. But, it never caused me to fall to the floor. I was still able to stand on it and make an attempt to defend myself, to some extent anyway. I’ve had the breath knocked out of me due to a punch or kick to the solar plex and it was a very uncomfortable and scary feeling – all most helpless until I could breath again. It will definitely stop most people but I doubt it would kill them. Maybe under special curcumstances.??

    I alsio agree that TV cop shows are pretty far fetched when it come to reality law enforcement. But I’m a SciFi guy and do enjoy watching some of them. But CSI NY and CSI Miami I try to avoid most of the time. The other night there wasn’t much on TV so I channeled in on CSI NY. Otherwise I would have not watched it. The reason I brought it up is that on the program the statements abut Krav Maga made it sound like Krav was the ultimate “killing” system. I don’t see it that way.

    Hey, if the uninformed want to believe it as the ultimate killing system, who am I to argue… Lol The more fear they have of Krav, the less likely they will want to oppose it…

    But, Krav is a petty brutal system, so why destroy the public perception… Lol


    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    Like any other strike, the solar plexus strike is highly dependant upon the power that is delivered and how focused that power is. By bringing the strikepoint down to as small an area as possible and maximizing the force behind the blow using mechanical and chemical means; a solar plexus strike can kill.

    The easiest way to perfom the manuver is with a .357 S&W Magnum handgun.


    Okay….I’ll go away now. :Unsure:


    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    Or, I could hire this lady to protect me. 🙂



    Re: Krav On CSI NY

    That video was great! In heels too. . .

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