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  • #29144

    I don’t think many of you are the Gilmore Girls watching type, but they had a pretty lengthy Krav reference last night. Rory (main character)–a college student at Yale–was renting the spare room of a friend’s apartment set in a bad neighborhood. While the friend’s showing the apartment her boyfriend leaps from the bedroom, tackles and mounts her, yelling something to the effect of \”I got you; you weren’t aware.\” They go on to explain to Rory that considering the neighborhood they started taking Krav Maga self defense classes. The boyfriend says that it’s not pretty, flashy or macho it’s focus is to get home safely. The two then gear up and go at it. Later in the episode when Rory is showing the apartment to her mother, she opens their bedroom door and the friend has boyfriend in a clutch and she throws a knee, before Rory closes the door. It was amusing…thought I’d share.


    Law and Order

    There was also a brief reference to Krav Maga in an episode of Law and Order. A little girl was doing (very bad, Tae Bo-style) knees and kicks on the playground, and said, \”It’s Krav Maga — it’s what they teach special force commandos.\”

    Then her playmates were shot dead by a sniper.

    No gun defenses were demonstrated, and the girl’s fall break was terrible.

    Oh, well.

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