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  • #34242

    I’d appreciate getting some views on the use of a kubotan by a female for self defense. I think the ones with the flat ends are legal to carry (concealed, such as on a key ring) in New York. Is that true? Does anyone know if the ones with pointed ends are also legal in NY? Thanks in advance for your responses!


    Re: Kubotans

    Kubotans/pocket sticks are only effective up close and are only as good as you are with your empty hands (i.e. simply wielding one isn’t going to turn a newbie into some deadly fighting machine). That being said, if you have one on your keychain (assuming it’s legal for you) and you have your keys (and kubotan) in a defensive grip in hand when you go out to your car, probably doesn’t hurt to have something that can help you defend yourself better. Just remember that anything you carry could possibly also be used against you if it gets dropped or taken away.

    Sorry, dunno the legalities for NY…

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