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    I just recently heard about KM and was researching it when I found this website. When I was younger, I took Tae Kwan Do, but stopped because it was taking much too long to advance. Is Krav Maga the same way? Does it take a decade to be proficient at it? I know it can take a lifetime to master any form of martial arts, but I want to learn something that I can feel comfortable using in a couple of years. Not to say that I want a crash course or anything like that. but I don’t really want to have to feel like it will take 10 to 15 years to get good at KM.


    Krav is actually taught in a way that is very incremental and that allows you to attain real, usable skills very quicly. In my opinion, it’s actually one of the strongest points of Krav. For instance, groin kicks are taught early, as are straight punches, but things like ax kicks and hook punches are left for higher levels. This gives you a solid, effective, yet small arsenal right off the bat — the type of techniques that could save your life are yours within weeks. You’ll spend all of Level 1 honing just those skills, then Level 2 will continue to work with those skills, plus it will add some others.


    I feel that the learning curve is really fast for Krav. I’ve never done any other martial arts, so I don’t have much of a base for comparison, but after a month of class I felt much safer walking to my car at night. Now, (6 months later) I think that in a year I will have enough skills to successfully defend myself in *most* situations that I might find myself in.


    I studied and Shotokan for 4 years and made it to blue belt, i was mad because it took so long as well.

    Truth is now looking back I wish I had KM around so my time would have been invested more efficiently.

    KM is realistic, instinctive, quick, and no holds barred
    thats why I picked it.

    There is no fancy schmancy stuff.

    No Kata’s either BONUS!

    very good conditioning as well.

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