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    Last night,I took the test for Level 2 in Krav Maga..After 1 1/2 hours into the test,I was staggering around like a drunk from exhaustion.

    Two people went through the level 1 test.I was the only one that went on for the next test level yesterday.Experiencing the test is never something that you would look forward to,but it did give me a sense of accomplishment to get through it ok.

    Today,I’m ‘licking my wounds’.I don’t have any exercise on todays agenda.

    Rest grasshopper,rest….


    Way to go! 😀


    Felicidades! 😉

    It doesn’t get any easier from here.

    *shudders thinking about machine gun dump drills w/o wearing a cup*


    …\”shudders thinking about machine gun dump drills w/o wearing a cup*

    La Revancha ….\”

    now you got my curiosity going.Whats a machine gun dump drill?


    Congrats man. My level 2 test is coming up here soon, hopefully I will be able to survive it as well. If not I will continue with my training and attend the next one.


    Congratulations! I just took my level 2 exam three weeks ago (courtesy of Mr. Revancha here 🙂 ) You’re right, it was extremely intense and tough, but at the same time was one of the greatest experiences ever. When you accomplish a physical challenge like that, it is the ultimate high.

    Have fun in level 2. It’s a whole new ballgame now. Oh, and make sure you stretch as much as possible today.


    Congratulations! Nicely done. And just think, the fun is only beginning!


    \”now you got my curiosity going.Whats a machine gun dump drill?\”

    *reminisces about Whitman slamming me on my face for being a dumbass in Phase*

    I can hear Emil snickering to himself from here…

    ….ask John Whitman about the technique.

    I demoed this for a student at Ernie’s school during a carjacking seminar (you out there Matt from MD?). Guy is probably 210+. I grabbed him right in the nads and dropped him! That was fun! 😈

    And Mike P, felicidades to you too. That was one of my more brutal exams, in the spirit of Sam Sade 8) .


    Congratulations on passing the test!

    Are you referring to the Level 2 test as the one you pass as a Level 1 to start Level 2, or the one you pass as a Level 2 to start Level 3? I have heard both forms of reference used.

    I took the first test last year and it was extremely intense. Nobody puked though. The test for admission to Level 3 is coming up in May.


    Most awesome! Congrats! 😀

    Took my level 2 test back in January – over 4 hours ..My endurance was better since I’d lost weight but wow to say ‘I finished’ was a great feeling.

    Keep up the awesome work! Only gets more fun from here 🙂


    I was told that when you start,you are level 1.Once you pass the level 1 test,your considered level 2.

    So I guess you can think of me as a virgin level 3 (blush)



    Yes, it is a high when you have gone through Krav tests. I have never been through anything this intense before in my life and it’s a great feeling when you accomplish something so tough and intense like that.

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