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    A place in my area is “certified” to teach F.I.G.H.T. How do the techniques taught in F.I.G.H.T. compare to those taught by a certified Krav Maga Worldwide establishment?

    I am having a hard time finding much information beyond what is on http://www.fight2survive.com/index.php. If anyone can provide any information I would appreciate it.

    I am just doing my research before I plop down any amount of money on something.



    Re: Looking for informatin on the following…

    Before this turns into an “our program is better then your program discussion” – which I won’t let happen.

    It has never been our marketing campaign to put down another system to make ours look good because we have faith in the techniques, know they are proven to work and stand by their effectiveness based on the original principles.

    I think both systems have merit and I doubt that by going into the KMWW forums you’re going to find a non bias answer to your question. My suggestion would be to audit a class at both the local facilities and see which one is a fit for you.

    Good luck with your training whatever you decide~

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