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    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Norman Borden fought back twice ó once against three assailants on the street, then again in a courtroom where he was charged with murder for killing two of them.

    Borden, 44, was walking his dogs last year when three men in a Jeep tried to run him down. He pulled a gun and shot five times through the windshield, then moved to the side of the vehicle and fired nine more rounds.

    The surviving attacker said they were going to rough up Borden. They had a baseball bat with them. The good news is that Borden was acquitted. The bad news is that he only killed two of the three attackers.


    Wow, looks like he should never have been tried, especially if the surviving baddie admitted that they were going to rough him up with a baseball bat. 😯



    I truely believe in a persons right to defend themselves and use deadly force IF NECESSARY. I’m a Florida resident and, to be honest, this law in Florida and the other 13 states mentioned scares the hell out of me. (I was a residnet of Georgia, one of the states mentioned, for 15 years before moving to Florida.)

    The reason I say the law scares me is because I believe it is too easy for someone to use \”self defense/feared for my life\” as an excuse to shot someone. For exampe: Two guys may have a dispute in a parking lot that gets a little heated. One could pull out a gun and shoot the other one and claim he feared for his life when it was not a life threatening situation. If there were any witnesses, it may not be clear to them which one was the actrual aggressor.

    A while back I was in my car leaving my housing development. I was stopped waiting for an opening in traffic to enter the road. Across the road a white panel van pulled over in front of another car blocking it from driving down the road. Evidently it was a small version of road rage for some reason. The driver got out of the van and walked backed to the car and was agruing with the driver of the other car. After a few seconds the guy walked back to his van reached inside, and then walked back to the other car and started agruing again. I had an opening in traffic and entered the road on my way. As I did so, I noticed the van driver had his hand in his pocket and was holding something. I thought I saw part of a black object – perhaps a gun. My thoughts were that this guy went back to his van, got a gun, went back to the other vehicle and was just waiting for the driver to do something so he could shot him. Thank God nothing happend, at least there was nothing in the news indicating something happened.

    My point is, there are people out there who have no regard for other people’s life and safety and would just a soon hurt, shoot, stab someone else as look at them. And this law in Florida and the other 13 states has given them an excuse and made it eadier for them to get a gun.

    Brt this opens a can of worms 😳


    So, what exactly is the law in Florida that you are referring to?



    Politics at Work

    Explains why the prosecutor still files the charges even though he believed it was self-defense and felt relieved when the defender got aquitted. He’s more concerned about saving his career than upholding his belief.

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