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    hi i do have a question i am living in the caribbean and presently there are no trainers in the island that i am living in not even sure if there are trainers in the west indies

    so ive come up with a solution ive looked over some online teaching guides and would very much love to hear your opinions on these two systems


    this website and the style of teaching is by moni aizik

    Moni started training in Jiu Jitsu & judo at the age of 8 under Opa Schutte, himself 2 generations away from the founder of Kodokan Judo, Jigoro Kano. Throughout his youth, Moni virtually dominated Israel’s competitive scene, winning national titles 7 times. Deciding not to try for an Olympic birth in his late teens, he opted instead to shift his energy to becoming a member of one of the world’s most clandestine and sophisticated military units, responsible for counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering behind enemy lines.

    In the 70s, Moni was asked to improve upon the army’s existing hand-to-hand combat system, using his extensive knowledge of reality based Jiu Jitsu and competitive Judo, specifically for the use of their special forces. Blending the lethal trinity of Israeli Fighting Systems, he founded: Commando Krav Maga. As such, one factor that has always separated Moni from the typical Krav Maga instructor is his depth and range of knowledge in Krav Maga and other practical Fighting systems.

    and 2


    This is the style of Ran Nakash

    Head of the Krav Maga division of the Security Center of Israel’s Court System


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system


    Thank you for visiting the forums and your interest in Krav Maga.

    First let me clarify a few things for you. The Krav Maga system is broken up into a few different classifications and then within those are sub groups/factions.

    To generally categorize the divisions would be the following:

    Military / Civilian / Poser

    The first two descriptions are obvious with only slight variations in the technique (one being with a gun one without)

    The third category is a little less easy to explain and is a subject for much heated debate. “poser” is a system that is not based on the original principles set down by the founder Imi. It’s a system that for all intensive purposes was literally called something else up until a few years ago when Krav began to get popular then someone in a marketing firm someplace thought it would be a great idea to switch the name and capitalize on the popularity for financial gain. Then in turn they spit out some videos and got a publicist to push their product and their popularity.

    On the other hand there is a lot of available material from reputable Krav Maga organizations.

    There are DVD sets and books available from Krav Maga Worldwide on Amazon.

    Ran Nakash is legitimate practitioner of Krav Maga although I wouldn’t call it “the style of Ron Nakash” his website seems to be put together fairly well if that’s what your interested in. It’s easy to use with a lot of really good information.

    In summery there’s no reason to learn Judo that’s sugar coated with the Krav Maga name when theres easily available avenues for education.

    I hope that helped to shed a little light, let us know if you have anymore questions~


    -disclaimer- these are solely my opinions and not necessarily the opinion of KMWW or its officers.


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    You know, Sean, for a guy who always wants the conversation to go civil or go away when the name of Moni Aizik come up, you sure do like pouring gasoline on the fire. Moni a poser? Say it to his face, bubba…..


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    Luckily – as admin of this site I’m relegated to keeping my comments professional.


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    Let’s see if you’re condident enough to let this be posted!!!
    This is for CJ’s Dad and anyone else that likes to lead by defamation, instead of being confident enough to say that their own given style is what they CHOOSE TO USE, instead of putting someone elses style down(of which you have never trained in and know very little about) “be so confident in yourself that you have no time to put down others”. If you really want to be informed, go train in someone elses camp then make your assessment! I have trained in and with IKMF, KMAA, and CKM. They all bring there own flavor to the table and I like many things in all of these forms. That is why these things never die, to many with no knowledge of others. JL


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    Moni Aizik is a talented judo coach and practicioner. His system is not Krav Maga, as taught by Imi or any of the other major KM organizations. Anyone who argues differently is misinformed or blinded by loyalty.

    This isn’t a “my kung fu is better than your kung fu” discussion. My “kung fu” is actually “kung fu”, and yours is something else.

    That said, this conversation will go nowhere, and no one will be served (not Moni, not KMW.) Train where you like and enjoy it.

    All the best,


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    Again another opinion! I for one, do not wear rose colored glasses, nor am I enamored with anyone or any discipline, I simply extract the best techniques that work FOR ME and let the rest go by. I like the KMAA curriculum, not in total, but by and large it works better than most RBSD being marketed. But Ryan I know for fact that you have never trained with Moni nor have you gone through their bootcamp. So if we are to be informed when giving an opinion, than go get informed. Meet the guy, go through some of the curriculum of theirs. Then come back and give an informed opinion. This guy was around IDF before most of you were born, and his curriculum is sound in many of the disciplines(though not all in my opinion, i.e. striking). SO we all could use some humbling in my estimation, not all things are best and not all things are worse, all have merit in what they are trying to train in. Anyway this dog won’t, train in what you believe suits your individual needs best. JL


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    Sorry JL,

    This is a fact. Moni is not teaching a brand of Krav Maga that is recognized by any organization not directly affiliated with his own.

    “Perhaps he can kill us all in two seconds, but Moni is not teaching Krav Maga.” – Eyal Yanilov.

    This was said to me by Grandmaster Eyal Yanilov a few months ago while we were at dinner. “Poser” might be a little strong but certainly adequate in this discussion. Moni changed the name of his system in order to capitalize on the popularity of Krav Maga in the United States. Because what is hot in the U.S. is hot everywhere. Especially Canada! So stop being so sensitive.

    The facts are simple. Moni’s credentials as a Judo practitioner and teacher are well documented. That does not make his Krav Maga legitimate. Also there are doubts about his rendition regarding his military service. So the facts are as follows 1. Moni has greatly exagerated his military service 2. He is a Judo champion/instructor 3. He changed the name of his system to capitalize on KMWW’s popularity

    I will give you an example of a guy who has created his own system and has great knowledge of Krav Maga. Mike Lee Karanek. While his system Haganah is similar to Krav Maga it has its own techniques and applications. But no one will argue that his foundation is Krav Maga!


    Stop with all of the say it to his face. Moni can read. He has visited this site before and lurked. He has been asked about this by various members of this forum. There are no secrets. MONI IS NOT TEACHING ANY RECOGNIZABLE FORM OF KRAV MAGA!!!!


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    JL, I’ve never claimed to have trained with Moni. I also don’t have rose colored glasses, and if you expected to come to an internet forum void of opinions, you are the one with the rose colored glasses.

    Look, I don’t have to get shot to know it hurts. I don’t have to go to the moon to know there’s zero gravity. I’m not sure what your point is.

    I’ve seen his vids. I’ve seen some of his guys work, and I’ve sure enough seen his marketing. If someone comes to my school claiming to teach Muay Thai, and he starts doing forms and breaking boards with nunchuks, I know it’s not Muay Thai. This has nothing to do with pride or him being in the IDF since before I was born (there are certainly quite of few of those), or one system being better than another. These are all things you’ve interjected into the conversation.


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    Psyops, I suppose it may seem I’m being sensitive. However, I have no axe to grind either way. I have spoken with Grandmaster Yanilov and he didn’t seem to recognise KMAA to much either. But be that as it may I do believe the popularity Krav Maga can be attributed to Darrens and Marni’s work, for a large part. I do agree Moni may have utilised the popularity in the US in his marketing. And after speaking with Nir Mamman, and David Kahn, there does seem to be a IDF question that has been left unanswered, I just want everybody to play nice in the sandbox. Throwing around insults hurts the whole of the system not just the parts. Anyway, study what you believe in and have a good day. JL


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    This is kind of funny actually, because my girlfriend gave me a 5 dvd collection of CKM as a gift, because she knew that I practice KM (IKMF), but had no idea that CKM was different from “legitimate” KM (meaning that it is not Imi’s original system-no disrespect intended). She told me afterwards that she thought that it was cool that it was a system “as trained by the elite commando units of the IDF”. The marketing of this system alone is a deadly weapon. I have actually watched all of the dvd’s multiple times, and I am not dismissing it as a working rbsd system, nor am I disrespecting anyone who does practice this sytem, but many of the moves that are in these dvd’s do contain much of the judo that I was taught in my childhood (brown belt). Anyone who has judo experience will immediately notice this as well. Again, I’m not saying that it won’t work at all, but I truly feel as though it is wrong to market this sytem not only as an evolved form of KM, but as the same stuff “taught to the elite commando units of the IDF”. This line alone attracts people to this system, who actually think that this is the case. While I do not necessarily agree with attempts to trademark the term krav maga, (as do many of those in organizations outside KMW) I honestly believe that in this case, KM as invented and taught by Imi Lichtenfeld needs to be preserved and protected from these “evolved” systems, that are so popular, do to one being told they can fight like a commando. If you want to fight like a commando so badly, join the military, put the work in, and do it the proper way.


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    To respond to Psyops –
    Fact: Moni has always referred to his system as Commando Krav Maga, a large component of his larger entity of Combat Survival. He only began emphasizing the name once certain characters decided they were the heir apparents to KM and should have all others using the term to pay them tribute. Copyrights and lawsuits tend to piss people off.

    Fact: His Krav Maga is legitimate. It’s practical, it works, and there are military units in the IDF who train in it, with Moni, every 6 weeks. He hasn’t shied away from his history with Imi, as the recent episode of Weaponology on the Military Channel clearly shows.

    So, it’s a fact now that Moni has greatly exagerrated his own military service? Sorry, but it’s going to have to take more than the word of some malcontent who claims to have proof but doesn’t have the forthrightness to produce it. Talk is cheap.

    Suggesting Sean call Moni a poser to his face is exactly what’s needed, IMHO. I have serious doubts he ever would, though it would be fun to see.


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    I looked at his site just to see what all the hub bub is about and did notice in his bio that Krav Maga is not mentioned but Judo is mentioned several times.


    Re: Moni Aizik VS Ran Nakash training system

    quote Bogatyr:

    Suggesting Sean call Moni a poser to his face is exactly what’s needed, IMHO. I have serious doubts he ever would, though it would be fun to see.

    Your response is comical at best, you obviously are under the misimpression that I care. Should the opportunity arise I would have no qualms telling him or anyone exactly how I felt ñ in person. And anyone who knows me, of me or trains with me will gladly support that statement.

    quote JL:

    Throwing around insults hurts the whole of the system not just the parts. Anyway, study what you believe in and have a good day.

    Enough said.

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