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  • #30379

    Another lurker comes out of the woodwork. I am interested in getting constructive opinions.

    I have been training Krav Maga for a few years and have enjoyed every minute of it. I have been fortunate to train in a few different schools with dynamic instructors. I enjoyed the training, learning new things, relieving stress, the comraderie, etc. But lately, my motivation level has gone out the window. I would not call it boredom because that is not it.

    Therefore I would like to hear from others in the community on how you stay motivated or what to do to stay motivated in training. Also if anyone has encountered this I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter.

    Thanks in advance.


    Re: Motivation?…

    Do you have goals you can evaluate in terms of training? For instance, I train to be at least on par with friends in various different arts in sparring. Or when I was doing hand conditioning, I was working my way up towards breaking a red brick. This may be a little more difficult in krav, but I think the key to motivating yourself is to continually improve, and this definitely applies to krav. It also help to love training.


    Re: Motivation?…

    I would say try switching up your routine and set some short term goals. For example take a few weeks to focus largely on sparring or fitness training and switch up your routine to hit those classes. Or perhaps go back to a level 1 class and spend a couple of weeks helping someone new to the system. That way you keep up your conditioning but you break the routine a little.

    Just a thought… hope it helps.


    Re: Motivation?…

    Thank you for replying to my post. I appreciate your thoughts and advice and will consider your suggests.


    Re: Motivation?…

    Maybe your instructor could also think about mixing things up a little to keep people motivated. Doing some new drills perhaps, or going outside to train. Some new stuff to keep up interest.



    Re: Motivation?…

    I actually experienced the same thing with another martial art about half a year ago. I took a break from it for a month, and it really helped me.


    Re: Motivation?…

    quote zanehx:

    Therefore I would like to hear from others in the community on how you stay motivated or what to do to stay motivated in training.

    I think motivation varies from person to person. What was it that first motivated you, and what has changed?

    I’m sort of in the same boat right now. Recently I had a change in work hours and it really upset my schedule. Constantly being tired, I found excuse after excuse… no time to workout today, too tired to cook so I’ll eat out, can’t go to class because I didn’t do laundry (now, I know this doesn’t stop some of you… but it should!). I’d feel bad about not working out, therefore it didn’t matter if I ate healthy. Since I didn’t eat healthy, no point in running. Didn’t run, now my cardio is crap and there no way I can make it thru class… I’ll just go next week.

    For me, it’s a snowball effect where a lack of motivation stems from a lot of variables which sort of cloud my original reason for being motivated in the first place. I’m back on track now somewhat, but it’s only making up for lost ground. Ultimately, i think motivation requires two things:
    1. You have to see the goal as beneficial to you.
    2. It has to be challenging.

    Have to agree with CLFMak on this… maybe it’s time to up the ante.


    Re: Motivation?…

    How about a more direct approach…

    I’ll watch something like a highlight vid of Buakaw por Pramuk

    Put on some good “angry” beat-the-snot-out-of-somone music such as the reamake of Pistol Grip Pump by Rage Against the Machine:

    And of course (for me), two scoops of N.O. Xplode.

    Boom. Better motivation thru science and media.

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