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  • #29335

    I finally watched \”Enough\” this past weekend. I almost fell off the couch laughing when J.Lo practices the eye poke with a grapefruit! I also thought that, even from a non-KM perspective, that the \”fake him out by pretending to be unconscious\” move was really cheesy.

    When they make a movie like this, do they consult with representatives from Krav for accuracy or do they just learn a few skills and run with it? Because it seemed like they went against some basic principles (such as trying to stay off the ground) and also stretched the truth pretty heavily (going from pushover to veteran ass-kicker in only 3 weeks or so).

    Also, does anyone know who the trainer was in the movie? Is he a real instructor or an actor?

    (PS. Sorry if this topic has been covered in the past; I looked for an old thread about it but didn’t come up with anything.)


    I think one of our teachers, Wade Allen, consulted on the movie. I don’t think he’s in the movie, though and, yes, the fight scenes were kind of cheesy and not very KM like.

    But anyway, if Jennifer Lopez does it, it must be great… 🙄 😉

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