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    I know Iíve been hanging around here for a bit, getting ready to dive into the Krav Maga experience. Well, as of this latest Thursday, I made the leap; and I felt it would be nice to share my experience with anyone who wanted to hear about it.

    I signed up for a free class with Krav Maga DFW ñ Bedford location. I was pretty psyched, but pretty worried as well. Iíve avoided exercise like the plague for the last 12 years. But Iím not happy with my health right now, so I figured I might as well jump in.

    I arrived about 20 minutes earlier and I spoke to Dave, the location GM. He was very helpful, and he answered what questions I had. As I told him my reservations he only made one request of me. That I talk to him after the class if I felt I couldnít do itÖHe did not want me to just walk out in defeat. Thatís something I respected right away.

    So, he introduced those of us who were new to the class to the instructor (Mike or Micah, I am not fully sure), and we began.

    We started with laps around the mat. Mike would say go, weíd slap the mat and change directionsÖgo, slap, change. Go, slap, changeÖ now 10 jumping jacksÖ more joggingÖ 10 push ups, 20 crunches, 30 jumping jacksÖrun in place.

    I had to bow out for a few minutes here. I was wheezing a bit from this point on, sad to say, but both Dave and Mike told me not to be afraid to sit out if I needed a breather. I understood my limits better.

    We then partnered up, and played slap fight with each others shoulders and knees, to loosen up. This was followed up by some stretching.

    Then Mike went up, showed us a passive stance, and a fighting stance, and a vertical fist position. Then he demonstrated the jab, the cross, and the combo. After that, we partnered up with bags, and practiced.

    Jabs ñ make sure the hip lines up. Keep your defensive hands up. Crosses ñ remember the power comes from the hip. Donít overbalance yourself. Combinations ñ donít drop our off hand. Mix it up ñ jab, jab, combo, jab, combo, and cross.

    Now we do kicks. Weíre alternating legs, kicking the crap out of the held bags. ìI donít want you to just kick. I want you to cut him in half.î I fall off balance a few times, because, frankly, I am a wide load not used to this. The fighting stance is counter intuitive to how my body wants to respond. Thatís good. Iím not a fighter right now ñ a fighting stance would seem foreign to me.

    Next up, the 360 defense; courtesy of Mike and Daveís fun demonstrations. I admit, this is something I was looking forward to. We practiced in pairs at slow speedsÖ but even then it hurt my wrist when I was an attacker. But it felt good when I was defending. I can see why it works so well.

    Next, we pulled out some long bags, and used those to swing at the defenders, so they could put a little more force into their defense. I admit, when I was defending, I had a tendency to move my left arm to cover for an attack from above and on my right side if I had just blocked a few attacks heading for my left side. I know this is something I seriously will need to work on.

    After the 360 defense, we moved to the wall so that Mike and Dave could demonstrate a counter for a choke from the front against a wall, and a choke from behind against the wall. I did fairly well with this, though I will admit my technique was lacking. As the biggest person in the room, I could muscle my way through certain parts without rolling my shoulder against the wall. I realized that, and I began to adjust my technique accordingly.

    Finally, Class was over. I admit, through it I had to take a couple of breaks. I am not a healthy man. I felt really bad about doing it when I was coupled with a partner, because that was time my partner should have been able to practice. But I needed it. Each time, however, I kept to just a few minutes.

    And after the class was overÖ I signed up. I may be out of shape and hurting now. But in a few months, Iíll be in better shapeÖ and still hurting, because I plan to push myself.

    So, thank you to everyone who was at the Bedford Location last Thursday.



    Re: My first KM class – a report

    Hi Ted!

    Sounds like you had a most excellent class! DON”T feel bad about having to stop and take a breather. We’ve ALL been there. Heck, in Fight lately I still need to thumbsup. I feel bad about it sometimes but I know it’s been awhile in fight so just gotta keep going.

    On those 360 defenses, you may wanna see about getting a pair of forearm guards. I definitely used those when I first started and I still reach for them every so often.

    The techniques will just take practice and after a time, your body will just do it like second nature.

    We’ll be here to help ya along if you need it. Welcome again to our Krav Family:D:


    Re: My first KM class – a report

    Way to go, Ted!

    I’ve got a 59 year old student who just decided that he was going to get himself into shape. He’s much like you in attitude – committed to doing his best, within his own personal limits. It’s great to have him in class. I’m going to tell him to read your post so that he’ll know that he’s not alone!

    Also, that’s a great review of the class you took. Nice to read.



    Re: My first KM class – a report

    LOL @ being a wide load. Just remember you also have an edge because krav teaches you to use your weight to best advantage!

    Even at my best I still had trouble keeping up with warm-ups but I did get warmed up and that’s the important thing. If there’s something you just can’t do, ask the teacher for a version that gives the same muscles a stretch before class. You don’t need a muscle sprain or tear just when you’re getting into shape!


    Re: My first KM class – a report

    Congrats, seems as though you learned a ton of good stuff in just one class. More good stuff will follow. Just do as much as you can for now, your conditioning will improve soon enough.



    Re: My first KM class – a report

    Well, I hope it does.

    Honestly, I had fun. I hated it and loved it at the same time. Hated, because I hurt and could not keep up. Loved it because I hurt, and I know if I keep at it, it will make a difference.

    Basically, I know I need to toughen up, and get in shape…but I also know I cannot rush it too much. Injury would not be a good thing.


    Re: My first KM class – a report

    Small steps in the right direction, Skald. Keep moving forward.

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