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    I need to figure out some stretches for my mid to high side kicks. I’m not all that great with them and I practice them on my punching bag when I’m not in class. I feel like I could be getting alot more power if I were more flexible and could reach my target better.

    I just started at a place in norther VA about a month ago.

    Do any of you have any suggestions?


    Given your base leg’s toe pointing towards opposite the target(not perpendicular to target), tilt or lean your upper body in direction of base leg. Lower the upper body, higher the kicking foot.

    I don’t think level 1 requires that much for side kicks.
    Unless you have a specific mission that must be accomplished by high side kick, keep on with basic side kicks. You will get it eventually.


    Side Kick drill

    Flexibility is a good thing. But I wouldn’t be too concerned about the height of your side kicks. You can deliver perfectly good and devastating side kicks to your attacker’s knee. I’d concentrate more on developing the muscles that make that technique work.

    I used to practice side kicks by doing slow-static kicks. Think of the side kick as having four positions. The drill is to practice the kick very slowly, holding each of the four position for a count of ten. And yes, it burns.

    *Pick up the knee to chamber the kick
    *Extend the kick (lead with the heel, hip turned over, keep upper body as straight as possible.)
    *Retract the kick to the chambered position
    *Foot down

    So imagine standing up straight. Grab something if you need to. Chamber the kick (count to ten), extend (count to ten), retract (count to ten), and put the foot down (count to ten). Don’t forget to breathe, try to keep your guard up, and repeat until your leg falls off.

    I find this helps to build the muscles (particularly the glutes) that make the side kick work. It should eventually help with speed and power of the kick (regardless of the height).


    I would definitely say stretching is not the key factor in kicks, but it helps. You might want to try dynamic stretches which are leg swings. ALso, what others have posted is good too. DOing the kick slow and controlled allows you to strengthening the legs muscles and watch your technique. Make sure the technique is spot on and you should get all the power you need. And, if you are going to do passive stretching make sure it is after a workout and not before.


    Alright I will try those suggestions thank you.

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