Home Forums Krav Maga Worldwide Forums General KM Related Topics need advice on punching bags

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    Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster. 8)

    I want to purchase a free-standing punching bag that I could put in my garage and abuse daily. Hence, it’s gotta be something durable. Also, spouse won’t let me shell out too much money on it, so it’s gotta be not too pricey, like under $130 or so.

    Any recs, opinions, etc would be nice. I googled ‘free standing punching bags’, got alot of hits for Century Wavemaster bags. Anyone have one of those? They seem to be comparable to the bags we use in KM class.

    btw, I’m Gene from IL, and have just taken my Level 2 test (and still don’t know if I passed or not).


    Hi Gene,

    I have a Wavemaster I use at home. Bought it at Oshman’s for about $100. It works pretty well, the base holds 250# of water or sand. I still have to chase it around a little bit, but that’s also on a slick ceramic tile floor. I’ve heard rubber mats help a lot with that but haven’t tried it yet. Other than that the bag works fine. Never had it tip over and it seems to stand up to punishment fairly well.

    BTW, good luck on your test results!


    If you’ve been lurking for a while, you might know by now that most people on this board are annoyed with n00bs asking the same questions such as yours. Try searching this forum for what you’re looking for next time and if you can’t find it, then ask FYI.

    Besides that, welcome to the board! I have a Century XXL Wavemaster I bought off Ebay for $199 shipped. Picked up 300# of sand for $20 and whammo, a great bag that is nearly impossible to tip over.



    quote \”KrunchyKnuckles\:

    Hi Gene,

    I have a Wavemaster I use at home. Bought it at Oshman’s for about $100. It works pretty well, the base holds 250# of water or sand. I still have to chase it around a little bit, but that’s also on a slick ceramic tile floor. I’ve heard rubber mats help a lot with that but haven’t tried it yet. Other than that the bag works fine. Never had it tip over and it seems to stand up to punishment fairly well.

    BTW, good luck on your test results!

    Thanks my good man, that’s the one I keep stumbling upon. I think I’ll buy one, per your reccomendation. 🙂

    As for the other dude that posted a reply, you need to turn the spaz dial down a few clicks. It’s just a question on a message board, not a call to 911. 🙄


    \”As for the other dude that posted a reply, you need to turn the spaz dial down a few clicks. It’s just a question on a message board, not a call to 911\”

    🙄 Amen!



    quote \”pikeymut\:

    \”As for the other dude that posted a reply, you need to turn the spaz dial down a few clicks. It’s just a question on a message board, not a call to 911\”

    🙄 Amen!


    btw, Krunchy K, I got my wavemaster bag yesterday, and am pretty happy with it.


    Glad to hear the bag is working out Gene, I always dread people spending their hard earned money based on my opinion 😳 It would be just my luck you would be some 7′ 300lb. monster and would bust the thing in half on your first punch and then come looking for me for a refund 😀



    KrunchyK, if the Wavemaster fails on me, I’ll do what Rocky did…find a butcher shop that will let me beat on hung half-steers. 😆


    Kinda late now, but you could also try a BOB bag. It has the same stand as a wavemaster, but the top is molded to look exactly like a real guy, with ears, nose, throat, bones, the whole thing. That’s good for practicing precise strikes to those vulnerable areas. Maybe you can find a top somewhere and then put it on your wavemaster stand, then you’d have both.



    Giantkilla, that BOB thing was kinda expensive, so wouldn’t fly with the boss (wife). 😉 😆


    Well, in that case, you might want to blow up a picture of \”the boss\” and paste it to your existing wavemaster. That way, in addition to working on your fighting skills, you could also work out some other issues… 😆



    Nah, spouse knows best.

    That’s the #1 rule in a marriage: listen to your wife. 😆


    When I went to a sports store to inquire about a free standing bag, the guy said that all of them could be knocked over rather easily.

    From reading what you all have said, this will take punishment and still remain straight up?

    I have never taken KM, but will use this for kicking as well as punching.

    Thanks for the informative post.


    I would be interested in hearing what kind of luck G.V. is having with his bag but I can say that there is absolutely no worry of mine tipping over from punches, kicks, yelling at it, etc. You just need to make sure the base holds enough weight. As I mentioned, mine holds #250 pounds and its hard enough to tilt it to roll it out of the way much less actually kick it over.


    Generally speaking, if you are knocking over your free standing heavy bag, then you are too close to it to do the technique that you did. We have the wavemaster XXL in our school and they are fine with the biggest guys if the distance is appropriate. The bigger issue that we find with free standing bags is that they will \”walk\” all over the place with strong technique which isn’t really a big deal. I prefer a hanging banana bag but we cannot have them in our current location and they also cannot be easily moved.

    Darryl Johnson
    Chief Instructor
    Dynamic Martial Arts, Inc.

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