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    I’ve introduced myself in the welcome area of the forum and now I’ve come here to ask a few questions :).

    As I’ve said, I’ve been reading your posts for a month before joining the forum or deciding to take a class. A krav studio opened up some months ago very close-by. They gave me a free class which was physically exhausting and made me hurt all over but in a good way (I also go to the gym so I knew it was the good kind of hurt).

    They wanted to sign me up for a 6 to 12 month contract and pay the entirety right there but I ended up deciding to pay for 1 month at a reduced cost, no enrollment, in order to try it out some more.

    My upper body is in decent to good shape because of my gym habit but the cardio aspect is what kills me. I enjoy a challenge but my biggest hurtle is getting over the nervousness (sorry if it seems like I’m rambling).

    I feel really uncomfortable and nervous in class, maybe because I’m new. And maybe because my pre-martial arts mindset had to do with basing a lot of my self-esteem off my size and strength (winning random bar fights, etc.), not so much now that I’ve stepped into the world of martial arts.

    There’s even a 13 year old kid there and you’d think that would make me feel more relaxed, but that makes me feel even more nervous because he seems nervous to partner up with someone so big and it just makes it awkward for both of us.

    It was my 2nd class tonight, it felt a lot easier but they were teaching us knife disarms (punch to the face + blocking the knife and bringing it back around + kneeing while keeping the whole 90 degree arm angle and bursting in) and I’m level 1 and it’s only my 2nd day, is this common? They told me it was more of a level 2 or 3 lesson and that I should focus on my 360 defense more instead of worrying about it but being taught this so early made it really intimidating and I really made a mess of the form (I’m still learning basic fighting stance and basic Krav kicks/punches). That small part of the class kind of made me feel discouraged instead of empowered.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love the class and I love Krav Maga (I’m Jewish btw) but I still feel a bit out of place. They’ve got a student there whose a marine and is cut like none other who seems like he’s been doing this his entire life, talk about intimidating when it came to him being the guy you had to “knife surprise” in the ring of pads scenario. It’s a bit intimidating when you’re told to throw punches and kicks at pads but you’ve not even mastered said punches or kicks yet. When I was thrown into the circle of pads I got so nervous I could barely hit the pads.

    And I will admit I am a bit out of shape, but I used to weigh 340 pounds, lost about 100 and have a lot of strength, just no “professional” fighting technique or methodical self-defense knowledge and that’s why I’m taking Krav Maga.

    Any tips on getting over the nervousness? I feel like a right sod nervously approaching with pad in hand in the ring of pads when everyone else is already pushing the guy around shouting with their pads, even the women in the class and I’m approaching timidly like a school girl, lol.

    I imagine over time I will feel more comfortable, I hope so.


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    I go to my first KM class tonight, and I’m a bit apprehensive too, but mostly excited. I am 53, a weakling, with no martial arts background (other than kicking the you-know-what out of a mugger in Paris once).

    I think a little nervousness is normal for all of us. From reading your post though, it sounds like you are placing a lot of focus on everyone else and less on you. Forget about the Marine who looks like the Terminator. You’re not at KM for him…you’re there for you. Look at it this way…just think how much pressure the Marine is under. He’s a trained professional. Any mistake he makes him look like a goof. You’re just beginning and you’re supposed to make mistakes. Try to enjoy KM while you learn. It can be fun as well as rewarding on multiple levels.


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    Azhura – You’ve already done the toughest part: walking through the door. Keep going back, talk with your instructor and work hard on whatever technique is taught. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself a little bit, too. There are some experts in North America, but as far as I know, there’s fewer than 100 of them… I’m certainly not one of them!

    I also get that it’s tough if you’re bigger than most of the people that you’re training with (although that’s something that I’ve never personally experienced!). Try to work with the bigger guys in the class, but also understand how important it is to work with the smaller men and women – good for you, great for them. A 100 lb. partner is going to have a tough time holding a pad for you, no doubt, so you do have to partner with someone with a larger frame. I love working with a bigger partner, as that’s the size that I’m training to deal with. Absorbing the punches and kicks thrown by someone your size helps to prepare me for battle. Trying to punch and kick hard enough to move you is motivating to me!

    Your focus right now is going to be on technique and conditioning. Work hard, laugh and enjoy yourself! Keep us posted on how you’re making out!


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    Oh man, do I remember that! I remember being so nervous in my first stress drill that I basically stopped hitting back. Some of the guys wouldn’t let that happen, and talked me in to a frenzy. I knew my punches and kicks weren’t great, but it was the atittude that we were working at the moment. Afterwords, I dfelt great!

    As for the knife disarms, if yo uare in a smaller school where they don’t break up all the calsses (mine doesn’t always), you will learn advanced techniques, even early on. it can be a little frustrating, when you don’t even know the 360 yet! But like you’ve heard, focus on the form, get that down, and the rest will follow. In a few months, believe me, somone with your size, strengh, and obvious attitude of wanting to improve is going to be a great early practitioner, and probably an AWESOME partner.

    Good luck, keep it up, and remember EVERYONE in that room…EVERY SINGLE PERSON, even that cut-up marine was new at it at some point. He went to boot camp, the instructor walked in to Phase A, and every beginner there remembers VERY well what you are feeling (well maybe not the part of also being bigger, but I digress).

    keep us posted!!


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    The vibe in our local school is friendly and that helps. I too felt a bit intimidated when I started, so I went out of my way to say hi to a few people and build a rapport. That went a long way towards making me feel comfortable when the training itself was hard.

    People in our class tend to encourage others who are struggling, particularly when it’s obvious they’re giving their best effort. We all get better at our own rate and people who have trained for a while know that.


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    Thanks guys for the encouragement. I’m going to keep at it and practice the techniques in the mirror in between classes. I also take notes right after class so I don’t forget anything.

    Also, do you know if a school has to be accredited with a certain license? The one I’m going to is not listed on the KMWW website but there is another completely separate gym that is listed on the KMWW site very closeby as well. Does this make a difference? I’ve read some posts with people saying it has to be KMWW listed to be authentic.


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    There are different acredited KM organizations that have schools in the US. KM Worldwide is just one. You may want to find out where the instructors are being licensed from. It will be frustrating to work a knife disarm right away. Don’t get discouraged it’s an advanced technique. I’m going on 3+ years in KM and knife techniques still give me trouble. Don’t worry about the ripped or bigger guys in class. Everyone starts out at level 1 ripped or not. I’ve seen some of those ripped guys gas out, because they’re not used to this type of work out. Keep up with the training. It’s truly a rewarding experience.


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    Pick up everything you can, but don’t let more advanced techniques throw you. Your #1 priority at this point should be to build your “foundation” – your tools (punches, kicks, knees, elbows) and your will to fight. Once you have this foundation, the more advanced techniques come easier. Keep working hard and it will all happen in due time. Good luck.


    Re: Nervous New Krav Student

    Everybody is nervous when they step out of their comfort zone by trying something new. Add to that the fear of harm, failure and performance anxiety. It’s why many fighters are closet addicts and alcoholics as well as actors and musicians. So all you can do is keep showing up. It’ll get better

    The other thing happening is you always were the big guy and figured you could handle yourself. Most people stayed away because of your size. Or you figured watching fights on tv you could hang because your strong or think your strong, but going into a fighters gym kind of rocks everyones reality if their smart or gets their reality rocked if their not.

    It can be very humbling and down right scary training next to guy/gals with real training. I know pretty girls who can knock me into next week at my best. Humbling, ego shattering and NERVE racking. Just keep training. You’ll get better, but never forget this reality. Their is always someone meaner, stronger and better. Train to improve yourself, but remember my warning when you hit level 2 or 3, because you’ll be feeling a bit full or yourself and then you’ll spar a really good amatuer or a pro and you’ll be back to where you started mentally

    Just remember everyone’s nervous to some degree because no one want’s to get hurt or look bad. And because you nervous you know your in the right place

    good luck with your training

    Oh as a side note recently that freakishly strongman winner from Poland fought an mma match against an over the hill Tim Sylva. He got his azz handed to him. Lot more to this than just size and strength

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