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    A new dojo (you call it dojo or a different name?) opened in my town yesterday and so I joined after watching a class and had my first class this evening….

    All I can say is…OH THE PAIN!!!!

    It reminded me of hell days back in high school football..cept that was 11 years ago and I am no longer in any kind of shape but round 🙂

    I was really impressed with it, and I only hope that I can stick it out….seeing as my typing speed has gone from 80wpm down to 2 in an hour….


    What is everyone’s overal opinion of Krav Maga? Even though I like traditional Martial Arts, I like that this is mainly self-defence with non of the \”this move is called\” or this style represents…\” kind of teaching…just plain old kick your butt as fast as possible and the really fast pace of the teachings with no flare…

    Anyways…First post 🙂


    Hey Baniell…nice of you to join us on the baords!

    I really enjoy KM too and glad my school offered it. I have had the best workouts from Krav. The thing I like about it is that it’s easy to learn and gets to the point instead of \”if the guy has you here then you move your arm there, then your foot goes here and make sure their head is here..\” not the approach I want. I want to get out of a choke as quick and safely as possible. I love the workouts we do, the self-defense, and the overall training.

    Hope you stick with it and enjoy your training!


    Once you start going regularly you will no longer feel the pain. Just like any new workout, you are in the most pain the first week or two. After that, it just feels good.


    I’ve been going for a few months now and find that I crave the workout after a rest day. When I get there and during the workout I’m thinking just finish the task…just finish the task, and when I do it feels great. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt this great all over physically. After a bit try a cardio/fitness class too if your place has one. Proper nutrition helps too.


    Well, had my second class today and since the whole class had been doing well, they upped the routine and I only lasted 30min before I was about to pass out 😯

    I talked to one of the instructors today to see if there was any side routine I could do in order to help improve my endurance in the class…luckily he told me to stop by tomorrow to talk about it..

    Anyone here have any sugestions on how I could set a routine for myselff for when I am not at class, so I don’t die in class? 😀



    I would recommend trying a fitness class now and then if your club has one. Go at your own pace, it’s a really excellent overall conditioner and hang in there and get over the hump of initial soreness because those intense workouts seem easier after going for awhile. I still get a little sore now and then from using different muscle groups but it’s a good soreness.


    Jogging is a great endurance increaser. It also helps increase your lung capacity (more air, less out of breath). You can do it on your own and at your own pace. Start slow with like a mile…set a time for yourself and gradually increase the distance you run. Oh..and go to more Krav classes they will whip you into Krav shape faster than anything else.


    Think of it this way…..

    You are PAYING for this…… Get all you can out of it. Work at YOUR level. Enjoy!!!!!


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