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    Some where in there were questions about my goals…

    (Although, I have to admit, the debate / discussion is kind of fascinating in a \”They are speaking Urdu\” sort of way LOL)

    I want to be stronger and healthier — those are my over-reaching goals and that includes mental health too. Krav is really helping my confidence after only one week because I’m learning to do things I never thought *I* could do. I’m ok with where my weight is (one kid, used to be a size 28 nine years ago…suddenly, that size ten isn’t so bad LOL) but I’d like to see more muscle and less jiggle.

    So, with those in mind, I now have a starting point. Thanks so much for reminding me to clarify that in my own head.

    And thanks to everyone who has offered up advice and encouragement! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this string and have learned a bunch. I’m suddenly looking at my working out habits and eating habits completely differently. I’m learning a lot for my first week.

    And I have class tonight and can’t wait!!



    . Don’t lean back on the heels. I swing my arms forward on the down and back to my sides on uptake

    Thanks Jeff. I went back and realized I reversed it and meant to say don’t lean forward. I knew what I wanted to say and typed the opposite.


    Nope, not scared, very intrigued, and finding everyone here (debates and all) really quite sweet for all their time and help.

    I made it through class tonight and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, the fifteen minute warm up still kicked my butt, but I could see some vast improvement from last Monday. I didn’t feel like I needed to hurl or cry. LOL In fact, I found myself slipping back into the mental focus that seems to hover just beyond pain — I haven’t felt that since college when I danced!

    And class went really well. I am enjoying it so much! I’ve made it a point to get there a bit earlier and do some extra stretches as well as keep up with my weight machine and stretching exercises each morning. I don’t know if running will work as I think the running I did last week was what really got my knees screaming.

    Thanks so much for the new knowledge and the simple reassurances that the pains are relatively normal.

    And no, I’m not too shy to ask any more questions. You all are great folks and have made me feel incredibly welcome. Barrage me with info and I will sift it, sort it, and see what works for me.



    Can’t ……..help……..myself…………!

    We tell our newbies that starting any intense regimen is like getting onto a busy freeway. If the onramp in short there will be lot’s of wrecks, if the onramp is long it allows you to get up to speed and there are few accidents. Starting KM is tough start slowly, increase intensity slowly and listen to your body, you’ll do fine.

    Here is a simple definition of CrossFit. \”CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity\”. We measure a workouts intensity by the power output. Power can be calculated by:

    Power = Force X Distance/ Time

    If you are doing rounds of
    Hitting the bag
    Push ups
    Jump rope
    Then I fear you have already slipped over into the Dark side. A rose by any other name so to speak.

    Regarding the article on the 300. Reference the onramp discussion above. They were thrown right into training without allowing them time to adapt to the intensity of the workouts. A good trainer would not have done that.
    As stated in the discussion above, most people mistake overtraining and under recuperation. To keep it easy we look for retrograde performance. Is the athletes performance slipping. The actors weern’t simply overtrained, they were not given ample time to recover. The workouts requirements were way above the abilities of someone new to this type of training. In other words a car wreck.



    quote \”garddawg\:

    If you are doing rounds of
    Hitting the bag
    Push ups
    Jump rope
    Then I fear you have already slipped over into the Dark side. A rose by any other name so to speak.

    Crap… I’m an xfitter and don’t know it. Gonna have to hit those tibialis anteriors extra hard this week to differentiate myself from the crowd. Still refuse to do any pull-ups. 😛



    quote \”garddawg\:

    Can’t ……..help……..myself…………!

    We tell our newbies that starting any intense regimen is like getting onto a busy freeway. If the onramp in short there will be lot’s of wrecks, if the onramp is long it allows you to get up to speed and there are few accidents. Starting KM is tough start slowly, increase intensity slowly and listen to your body, you’ll do fine.

    Excellent advice and a perfect analogy! This week, I’ve made it a point to let myself have a rest if I need it. Better to be safe than sorry. During warm ups, if I started feeling something beyond just \”warm up fatigue,\” I stopped for two beats and then went back to it. I may not be as fast as everyone else, but I’m hanging in there. The speed and stamina will come. I also tried to focus specifically on form and that added attention helped too.

    Thankfully, the class I’ve joined is really patient with those of us not in tip-top-athletic form. They really want us to enjoy what we are learning, but learn it and learn it well. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s class!

    Ok, I also can’t wait for the next topics on these forums! LOL I’ve learned bunches and enjoyed the reading.





    quote \”garddawg\:

    Can’t ……..help……..myself…………!
    I can’t wait for tomorrow’s class! A

    ANd that is why you’ll do great. Listen to your body. Push it more than feels good, but less than injures…but you’ve already gotten all the advice you can eat, I’m sure.

    I still look forward to the next days class. I travel for work a lot, and every time I go away, I think about how many classes I’ll miss. I’m going to visit my mom this weekend….right after Sat. AM Krav!!!


    I travel for work a lot, and every time I go away, I think about how many classes I’ll miss.

    For a little bit at work I had to travel often. I would look around for classes where I was traveling to and contact the location. They were welcoming for each class. It was fun to train at different places and meet the various instructors.


    LOL! I’m already re-structuring my days around Krav. I guess that means I’m hooked.



    To get in shape I always recommend Ross Training. He is a boxing trainer who has a couple of books on how to get in in fighting shape. His site has a lot of great videos which demo the workouts he recommends. The forums are probably the greatest source of workout info I have found. There are many posters who advise, and help out each other.

    General Site


    Hmm, I can see that I will get very little done for the rest of the day. This website is intriguing and I like his no nonsense approach. I definitely love the article about the best pre-fight supplement being hard work. LOL

    Thanks for sharing!



    You need to definitely make sure that you are using proper form when doing lunges. You are probably putting too much stress on the front knee. The same will be true with your squats. You will find that your knees will hurt through improper form.


    I hate lunges. Knees can’t tolerate them, on the other hand I can squat all day. Most people do the squat incorrectly. They think the movement is driven by the knees. People who do them incorrectly will unlock their knees, drive them out over their toes. They will often round their lower back putting it in jeopordy and plunge to the bottom position. Returning to the top they will end up pushing from the front of the foot in a quad driven extension.

    The squat should start at the hips and end at the hips. The hips drive back and down, delay the knee travel forward as long as possible, keep the chest up as much as possible and maintain the lumbar curve. At the bottom the hips should be below the knee, the knees should be in line or only slightly beyond the toes. From the bottom push through the heels. The movement is driven by the back side of the body, the glutes and hams.

    This was a vid that went with an article, with some ideas on helping kids understand the proper hip movement.




    quote \”LadyA\:

    Hmm, I can see that I will get very little done for the rest of the day. This website is intriguing and I like his no nonsense approach. I definitely love the article about the best pre-fight supplement being hard work. LOL

    Thanks for sharing!


    It’s an incredible site… don’t miss all the vids of his on YouTube.com. Just do a search for rosstraining.com
    (they’re included in the articles too, this is just an easy way to see them all at once)

    One of my favorites is his jumprope demo…


    Ahhh, jumprope. Hated it as a child and was reminded just how much I hate it yesterday. I know it’s good exercise but… Ugh. LOL

    I’ve been watching the videos and have decided to start trying the burpees. I showed my husband and I’ve never seen him turn that white before. Apparently, they are similar to an \”8-count push up\” that he did in the military and hated. LOL!

    Thanks for the squat info, Garddawg! I actually like doing squats. Hmm, that sounds a bit touched in the head, but give me squats over jumping rope any day!


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