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    Yesterday I found an article on this new type of traning knife. It uses a mild electric shock to \”bite\” you during traning to add some consequences to your exercises.

    I found the website:


    It looks interesting.


    good idea!


    Yeah, but at $500 I think I’ll stick to my hard rubber one.


    I’ve read that the shock isn’t nearly uncomfortable enough to be useful. Also, hard rubber, wood or aluminum also provide uncomfortable feedback, too. Awesome idea, though.


    Let’s buy one or two and try them! Maybe a good idea. Even if the shock is too mild, at least you get some idea when you would have gotten hit, so maybe good for knife fighting.


    It still hurts were I was stabbed last week with an alluminium knive.
    I dont need electro shocks on top of that.

    I once saw a training knive whicht released water colour from the blade.
    Would be nice to train with someting like that.
    Don’t have a clue as where to buy them though.

    A teacher had us take of our shirts once and practice our knive
    defense with a red filt tip.
    Costs less than $500 and you can still check if you would have been stabbed
    or cut.


    Yeah, we did the markers and white t-shirt deal. It was a great idea. NOBODY wanted to get \”cut.\” We did it for a knife seminar.


    You can also smear lipstick on the plastic knives. Wear an old shirt, though, that stuff is impossible to get out.


    If anyone is going to be around the NTC July 15-28, 2006, I’ll bring one of the knives we train with…all metal, with twine wrapped thru holls drilled into the \”blade\”… works like a construction chalk line…good stuff, and not much of a mess!


    You’re on!! 😈


    I’ll be there for Phase B and Phase C training…the knife is a design that one of our Level 3 students in Albany Oregon came up with, and had access to fabrication of the thing. It is a sweet design, with the weight and balance of a real knife…I haven’t seen anything around that is even close. For those who are interested, I’ll bring it with me and we can \”play\”… 😈


    As someone who worked with the Shocknife for the 1st time recently while running a Dignitary Protection training course for a military unit, its a good product that will illicit an adrenaline dump that standard rubber and aluminum knifes simply do not get.

    Much like force-on-force training with weapons, even though Simunitions is a great tool there is still a place for Blue and Red Guns in your training scenerios. The same can be said for the plastic/rubber/marking blades, the shocknife does not do what they do and the marking blades dont do what the shocknife does. If you can afford it, its a good addition to your training KIT.




    Make sure to stop by the LV5 on Mondays when you’re there and bring your little knife. Slash Brent a few times with it (preferably when he’s handling the kettlebell), just to get things going. You really can’t miss him – he’s that big, muscular guy, wearing the extra large pink shirt…. 😆


    Yep, know who Brent is…he had the pleasure of torturing my Phase A class last February. Would be fun, except I may not have the time considering the Phase Training…but who knows?? 😛


    Just drop the knife off at the front desk for me. I’ll zap him while he’s weak! 😈

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