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    I’m looking into KM and different fighting techniques. I’m a bit confused about something tho. Do you take the Self Defense before the fighting classes? Can you take them at the same time? Or can you even bypass them all together *not saying I want to, I just want to know*


    If you are new to fighting, you could take the self-defense without the fighting, but not vice versa. If you have some experience in fighting, you could show up only for the fighting classes, although I think you might not be able to enroll just for them and so you would still pay for the self-defense.

    You’ll learn some basic fighting in the regular self-defense classes, how to punch and kick and defend. After a few weeks of that, you may be able to join the intro fight (that’s at the NTC – some other KM locations may not offer an intro fight class, then it would be right to the regular fight class).



    You gotta be level 2 to get into the fight class at my place.


    That’s how we do it as well. Our students either have to be in Level 2 (or higher) or get permission from the instructor to attend.


    IMO you get some great basic fighting skills in Level 1 as GK said – I’d recommend at least tentatively picking a school, and then checking their policy. Where I train, I was able to do Intro to Fight while taking Level 1 self defense with some, though little prior training. Honestly don’t know if that was a factor – I believe that most, but not all in our Intro to Fight class were Level 2 and above.



    You would be doing yourself a favor by taking level 1 if for no other reason than simply understanding punches and kicks being thrown at you. You will want to have a basic understanding for defense and movement. This will help you develop confidence!


    At my place we can start fight class at the instructors discretion, when he deems people ready – technically most of my class are level 1’s, as we’ve never graded, but we’ve trained extensively in level 1 2 and 3 material.

    Krav is still virtually unknown here though, 90% of the guys in the group have long MA backgrounds (mainly muay thai) and have done their research to discover KM, so fight night is usually attended from near the start.

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