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  • #29938

    Hi, this is my first post to the board and thought I would start it off interesting. Anyway, I started my Krav Maga training a few weeks ago. Completely love it. My background is strength training as I am NASM certified performance enhancement specialist and thus work with athletes/standard fitness clients on a daily basis training them to be as strong as possible. Point being I feel that I am a fairly strong/fit person. However, one thing Krav has taught me is that my conditioning stinks. Thanks to a couple of other posts pointing to rosstraining I collected some great conditioning ideas to build into my resistance workouts.

    So, yesterday we are working on bear hug escapes and I got my face in a direct meeting with my partners forearm. Complete rookie mistake. By nose exploded…not broken, but I was bleeding all day. I think my partner felt bad, but it is something that I completely that wrong. Every once in a while I expect to get whacked around a bit, but my point is that I want my training to be as realistic as possible.

    I am curious what other injuries/stories have been collected from members of the board.



    this should prive very interesting. I hope others post as well. no fudging on mishaps people!

    Here are mine:
    slightly bent and broken nose
    head laceration
    multiple comtusions
    broken left hand
    broken right finger
    rupture calf
    broken talus bone right foot

    Yep, that pretty much covers March! 😆 just kidding

    Anyway the point is that we all get some type of injury once in awhile, It took me a few years to amass such a list, teaching and training with newbies. You don’t mean too, it just happens! Now I go to class in full body armor (not really) with the expectation that a mistake could befall me at any given moment. I deal and move on!


    Just keep in mind, it is a contact sport, shit happens.


    Strained rotator cuff on left shoulder.
    2 small tears in rotator cuff (and some other tendon, I forget the official name) on right shoulder.
    Therapy for strained meniscus on left knee.
    Broke left foot.
    broken right big toe
    broken fingers (never block kicks with open hand) 😆

    I actually get hurt more in Jiu Jitsu, I always leave bleeding/bruised after that class.


    Unfortunately, I am the newbie causing most of the damage… just can’t seem to grasp the concept of kicking the pad instead of my partner’s chin… He doesn’t seem to mind, but I will keep working on it 😳


    My instructors always tell us that control is the most important thing to remember. I have guys ai train with that can stop an elbow an inch from my forehead..every time.

    I have been fortunate as far an injuries go. Nosebleeds, pulls, strains, bruses, scratches, contusions…the week after a qualifing test my body looks like a dalmation. Nothing rest and Advil can’t fix.


    I’ve gotten a few black eyes, bruised ribs, twisted ankles, twisted fingers, twisted shoulder, jammed toes, bloody noses, pulled muscles, plenty of liver kicks, and that one time when I was accidently stabbed in the head with a metal knife and blood was pouring down my face. Good times! 😀



    I’ve had a few too:

    Broken nose (twice)
    Broken toe
    Hyperextended elbow
    Lots of bumps, bruises and cuts
    My wrists make noises they never did before and are pretty much constantly sore
    Oh yeah, and I got stabbed in the palm of my hand with a metal folder (it broke the damn knife though :twisted:) … I should mention that it was a training knife (not sharp) …

    Most of these occured during fight class (better defense you say 😉 ). The one’s that didn’t were usually my fault and not my training partner. For example, I’m nursing a possibly broken thumb (haven’t been smart enough to get it looked at yet) that happened when I threw a lazy punch without closing my fist completely … Have to be careful, and keep your mnd in it on both sides!!!

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