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  • #29753

    231 years ago today the U. S. Marine Corps came into existence.

    Not sure how many fellow Marines are on here, but Happy Birthday and enjoy the Ball


    Thats Awesome.I was looking for an excuse to get blind drunk tonight,punch an Army oficers lights out,throw up in a fighter jocks lap….. and pee on a sailors leg. 😈 To all who Who served in the USMC and are serving….Happy Birthday and Thank You.Words are so frickin’ inadequate for the debt we owe you.

    mike schoenfeld


    unstpabl1, what part of LA are you in? I am moving back to Bakersfield at the first of the year and always looking for better places to train.
    Only place I really seen of interest back home is Eric Nolan’s


    I live in the Valley…Studio City area…I can probably help you with leads to good training in LA,at least places and people to check out.I was going to ask you in the above post if you were training in Krav and how far you got in the Marines Martial arts program and how you thought the systems compared?I\”ve seen some of the USMC stuff on youtube and was very impressed.Are you getting out?


    Happy Birthday Marines !!! Thank you all for your service!!!

    Reminds me of a shirt I saw the other day. It said something like:

    \”Marines Do It Better – Just Ask an Air Force Officer’s Wife\”


    Sincere thanks to ALL branches!


    Former Marine here, Happy Birthday to all the former and still serving devil dogs!! HELL YEA TIME TO DRINK!!!!!!!! 😈


    There isn’t anywhere around here to train in KM so no. The interest is there just not the ability right now.
    Right now I am a brown belt (level 4) in MCMAP. Have taken the black belt course a couple of times but we are limited on how many qualified people we have that are allowed to test us for the belt where I am stationed right now (NAS Pensacola). I have the knowledge and ability of a black belt but can’t find anyone that will just test me instead of making me do the entire course all over again so won’t be doing that.
    MCMAP is mainly the basic moves from about 7 or 8 different systems that are easy to learn and retain. It seems fairly effective againsnt an opponent without training, but far from a complete system. Also they are too rigid in what they consider to be correct. There are more than a couple of the moves that I had learned either in Muay Thai or Submission Wrestling that MCMAP has something very close to but with minor differences that make the move less effective. However if I perform the move in the way that is more effective then I am in the wrong and have to put more effort into what I am doing.
    I am getting out of the military, I have better prospects for providing for my family in the civilian sector. Working on getting accepted in CHP right now. Their next academy starts in March so we’ll see what happens there.


    You’ve been in awhile huh?Do you have all the info you need to become a LEO?I know some people thru some boards who may be able to help you thru the process at least point you in the right directions.Thanks for the info on MCMAP.There is a lot of interest in it in the civilian sector(fyi) and the black may be an asset.Let me know if I can help


    Will do. Fairly sure I can get away with demo’ing some of the MCMAP once I’m out.
    Have already been talking with CHP so pretty sure I have everything I need ready as of now. Thanks though.


    First, Happy Birthday to all you Marines. You well deserve all the recognitino you get for all your sacrifices.

    \”Marines Do It Better – Just Ask an Air Force Officer’s Wife\”

    As a retired Air Force Chief all I can a say about that is there was as a Marine wife \”comforted\” by a young Air Force Sergent that worked for me in Okinawa several years ago. The AF Sergeant was in awesome shape and had been selelcted for PJ (pararescue) training. But he was no match for the Marine husband and three of his buddies when they jumped him one night down town. Local witnesses said the AF Sergeant was holding his own against the four Marines until one of them broke his arm with a club. With a broken arm, he no longer qualified for PJ training. To bad, he would have made a good one.

    Please don’t take this as a diss on the Marines – it certainly isn’t. I have the utmost respect for their sacrifices. My son is a former Marine and served in Iraq. I remember attending his graduation at Parris Island what an awesome ceromony. The Marines really know how to do it right. Watching them and my son, I was as proud as any Marine and/or family member in attendance. ~Semper Fi~

    (Oh, that was the year the Air Force Drill Team beat out the Marine Silent Drill Team – 😳 )

    Lets not forget today – Veteran’s Day!
    I live in an active adult retirement community in Central Florida. And I am a memeber of their Veteran’s Club. Today we all stood tall at our Memoreal (sp) in our club uniforms in honor of all veteran’s: Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Gaurd, Reservists and National Guard, and even a guy retired from the British Royal Navy. We had vets from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places where our troops have been called to duty. As we stood there, we all looked the same – there were no Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force – we were all Veteran’s. This year all us Vietnam Vets were honored with a plaque and pin. Last year, Korean vets were honored – the year before, WWII vets. Next year – don’t know yet.

    To all veteran’s — THANK YOU!



    quote \”BradM\:

    First, Happy Birthday to all you Marines. You well deserve all the recognitino you get for all your sacrifices.

    \”Marines Do It Better – Just Ask an Air Force Officer’s Wife\”

    As a retired Air Force Chief all I can a say about that is there was as a Marine wife \”comforted\” by a young Air Force Sergent that worked for me in Okinawa several years ago. The AF Sergeant was in awesome shape and had been selelcted for PJ (pararescue) training. But he was no match for the Marine husband and three of his buddies when they jumped him one night down town. Local witnesses said the AF Sergeant was holding his own against the four Marines until one of them broke his arm with a club. With a broken arm, he no longer qualified for PJ training. To bad, he would have made a good one.

    Please don’t take this as a diss on the Marines – it certainly isn’t. I have the utmost respect for their sacrifices. My son is a former Marine and served in Iraq. I remember attending his graduation at Parris Island what an awesome ceromony. The Marines really know how to do it right. Watching them and my son, I was as proud as any Marine and/or family member in attendance. ~Semper Fi~

    (Oh, that was the year the Air Force Drill Team beat out the Marine Silent Drill Team – 😳 )

    Lets not forget today – Veteran’s Day!
    I live in an active adult retirement community in Central Florida. And I am a memeber of their Veteran’s Club. Today we all stood tall at our Memoreal (sp) in our club uniforms in honor of all veteran’s: Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Gaurd, Reservists and National Guard, and even a guy retired from the British Royal Navy. We had vets from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places where our troops have been called to duty. As we stood there, we all looked the same – there were no Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force – we were all Veteran’s. This year all us Vietnam Vets were honored with a plaque and pin. Last year, Korean vets were honored – the year before, WWII vets. Next year – don’t know yet.

    To all veteran’s — THANK YOU!


    Well Done Brad – I certainly didn’t mean to start anything – Was just a funny T-shirt I’d seen!!!!

    VETERANS – Thank you all !!!!!


    Thank you Kravjeff,

    Last night ended our Veteran’s Day celebratin with a Formal Veteran’s Day Ball sponsored by our Veteran’s Club. It was great – great presentations, good food, good wine (vodka for me) and a great band.

    One of the highlights was honoring the Marine Corps Birthday. There was a large cake with \”Happy Birthday Marines\” on it. About half way through the evening, they stopped the band and called all Marines \”front and center\”. After a short speech honoring their birthday, they slelcted one of the former Marines to cut the cake. Everyone was standing and clapping.

    I didn’t eat any of the cake – didn’t wnat to dilute the Vodka 😆


    In Germany, they sometimes put the liquor in the cake – egg liquor cake for example. Mmmmmm, two flies with one stone, get drunk and eat cake, it’s great!! 8)


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