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    This may sound like a very dumb question but I just wanted to throw it out there anyway. When I’m holding the pads for people my fingers get rubbed between the top of my fingernails and the middle joint of my fingers. It happened the other day to the point where my thumb and three fingers were rubbed raw and are now scabbed over somewhat. I was just wondering if there is something I could do to fix that from happening. I’m holding the pad the same way as everyone else holds them (tombstone pads, holding the side straps, knuckles in towards the pad, meat of the hand facing down similar to a hammer fist). Any suggestions?? Thanks.




    Instead, try sliding your hands through the straps on the backside of the tombstone shield. In this case your palm is flat against the pad with your fingers pointing outward. The palm will now resist the impact instead of the handles and your thumb joint. You can wrap your fingers around the side of the pad to give lateral support to the shield.

    Of course, there are instances when other holds may be required.

    Hard to articulate, and I hope I understood your post correctly.



    I get what your saying. Not sure why I haven’t thought of trying that yet, chaulk it up to being a newbie I guess. Thanks. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow and see how it works.


    You should also be punching slightly at the striker with the pad. This will add resistance to thier strike and firm up your grip some.




    Badge is correct, just be careful not to overdo the pushing of the pads towards the punch. If you catch the punch too early, you might injure your partners hand.
    I am explaining this because it has happened to me a few times with slight injuries until the last one. In which I severely sprained my wrist due to the fact that the push of the bag went beyond the point where the strike would come flush to target. A slight forward push when the punch is almost there should be enough.


    I appreciate the tips. I’ll try to remember to push back a little during my next class. I’ll be very careful not to push to far. Thanks!

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