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    Hi all, new to the forums and to Krav in general.

    I am overweight and out of shape, and went to my first class last night.

    The warmup kicked my ass, I actually didn’t finish all of the exercises and had to dumb some of them down (turning sit-ups to crunches, etc.). Technique portion also exposed just how inflexible and exhausted I was.

    All that being said, I am going back and will continue to go back, but I have a few concerns.

    First, I didn’t have a partner when I went to my first class, so I got paired up with a more experienced person who was actually very helpful and patient. That being said, should I just keep asking the instructor for a partner when the time comes to pair up, or should I do something else?

    Second, while I am giving it my all when training with my partner, I know that I am not giving him a fantastic show (even though I do what I can to make sure he gets the training he needs). I kind of feel bad that I am limiting the efficacy of someone else’s workout. Is there anything I can do here?

    Thanks all, looking forward to having these issues disappear over the next few months, but I know I will be plagued with them for now.


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    Everybody sucks when they start something new. Everybody worries about not being good enough, conditioned enough, looking stupid, screwing somebodies workout up, etc, etc in ALL social settings. So everybody else is worrying about the same things. This is good because they ain’t thinking about you at all thumbsup They’re too into their own crap to care;):

    Yes there will be an a-hole in the class more than likely who won’t want to work out with you or goes too hard on a newbie. He/She is an A-hole avoid him.

    Rule 1 Just show up
    Rule 2 Don’t sweat the small stuff
    RULE 4 Don’t become an A-HOLE

    Rule 3 would be number 1 and a good plan for Rule 3 but then you screw yourself outta learning Krav. And you may need it at a later date to beat the snot outta the A-HOLE:chair:


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    Hi friend.

    Just like you, I am overweight and out of shape and in the first class the warmup kicked my ass real hard, but I didn’t give up and now everything it’s easier, even the warmup. Don’t give up. 🙂


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    I was not overweight when I started my first class and it still kicked my ass so I wouldn’t worry about it… first class for any physical exercise is usually the hardest. Keep training and you will be conditioned and it won’t be as hard… I still think Level 1 warm ups kick my ass, even after almost 2 years of Krav 🙂


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    Thanks everyone. Went to my second class last night and all’s good. Still rough but I already feel like I’m learning valuable stuff.


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    As to partnering..just grab someone who looks friendly, competent, and go for it. Any partner , especially one with more experience or more advanced, should realize when it’s your turn he’s there to aid in your training. Trust me.. no one is thinking this guy sucks or is limiting what they are doing. And if they are, shame on them to be frank. I’ve had a lot of very new people and relish the chance to see them evolve in their training. I look at it as a gift to have the priviledge to work out with someone newer in fact. So don’t worry about it.. train you for you, and the rest will fall into place.

    Good luck.. its all part of the journey 🙂


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    When I started a year ago (38 years old), I had run two half-marathons within 6 mos and was a regular runner of about 9-15 miles/week. Foundation/Krav 1 warmups still kicked my tail. I’ve gotten better because now I’ve mixed in core body with my running outside of class, but I still sometimes get pooped out in the middle of hard warmups, especially abs. Work hard, but don’t feel shame at taking a break.

    As for partnering, we partner with someone different every class so sooner or later you partner with everyone. Sometimes we switch multiple times in one class. We typically just pair up with whomever is near us when we break from our current partner. Yeah…some guys go at it harder than others, but I just give it back to them. I’ve only had one person indirectly “complain” about partnering with me. (We were practicing defensive sprawls when an attacker tries to “bulldog” or take you down at the waist. After class, he told the instructor that he never felt like he had to sprawl when I was paired with him. Well…I could be reading into this comment too much and I didn’t say anything but I took slight offense to this. I’m like dude… if you want me to come at you harder, just say so, and I’ll put you through the wall!”) :):


    Re: Out of shape, thoughts on first class and partners

    Personally I think the warmups are the hardest part of class. I am getting better but they still kick my ass. When someone I partner up with in class seems like they are worrying about “hurting” me, I generally tell them to not worry about it. The way I look at it, if I can’t take the “hits” during a manufactured setting or with a pad, then I am probably in for a world of hurt if I ever get into a real situation. That being said, I DON’T go into class with the thought that “hey I’m going to hurt someone today.” However, I try not to hold back too much when it’s my turn. That statement may not seem to bad, but I might seem to intimidate some because of my size. I am 6’3″, albeit still a bit out of shape, and fat (about 300 lbs.), but hey I am working on it.

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