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  • #32008

    i’m sore today, last nite at 6:00 (in the rain) i passed the first phase of the testing process to become a sheriffs deputy (29 sit ups in one minute, 25 push ups, 300 yard sprint in 78 seconds and 1 1/2 mile run in 16 minutes and 38 seconds) then i went to a 1 hour krav class(what the hell was i thinking!) i did see 4 or 5 who were younger than me fail the sit up and push up test (makes a old man like me feel good about myself:woohoo:)

    on saturday the 18th at 9:00 am i will take the harder part, the written test i have to score in the top 15 (out of about 90) to make it to the merit board and be ranked

    this is may first time trying to become a law enforcement officer and at 40 years old i running out of time, the local police depts can’t hire me (they cant hire anyone older than 36)

    i know there are a few officers on this board and to them i ask one question? am i a fool for trying this at 40? with no college,no military,and no training? am i spinning my wheels? or do i have a shot? and if i do can you put in a good word for me!;):

    keep me in your prayers for the test next saturday!



    Re: owwwww!

    quote russell:

    i know there are a few officers on this board and to them i ask one question? am i a fool for trying this at 40? with no college,no military,and no training? am i spinning my wheels? or do i have a shot? and if i do can you put in a good word for me!;):

    A couple of pesos from me:

    1st, that looks like more than 1 question… :chair: ;):

    If you haven’t done your homework (at age 40) – e.g. having some idea of what the job will entail, what will be expected of you, what you will be going through, the pros and cons, etc – then I’d say you were foolish.

    For many places, you don’t need college, military, or previous experience/training (but those things can help). Check around, YMMV.

    Whether you are spinning your wheels or have a shot or not will depend on quite a few factors, primarily your qualifications and abilities, agency requirements/needs/openings, and competition from other applicants/candidates.

    IMO, in order for LE to be a good match, you have to be physically, mentally, and emotionally able to do the job AND you have to want to do the job. If there are any LEOs who know you and know you are qualified for the job, I’m sure they’d be happy to be a reference.

    Also IMO, if you can find something you really enjoy doing that you can also support yourself and your loved ones by getting paid to do it, you are very fortunate indeed. If you are able to find that something early on, you’re very lucky. If not, doing it later in life can still be rewarding and satisfying. OTOH, at 40, your retirement benefits from a LE job may sorely be lacking (e.g. in comparison to someone who gets hired on at 21 or 25).

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