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    I started taking Krav back in August (one of the best decisions of my life), and I’ve noticed that I’m changing a lot (and not just in waist-size!). I’m a lot more aggressive, assertive, and confident. But I’m also a lot more paranoid (?) I find myself watching people more often, thinking of potential threats and ambush points, and chiding myself for putting my hands in my pockets. My girlfriend (who is training with me) says that I’m just paranoid, but I wonder, is this the situational awareness I keep hearing about?

    Feel free to call me crazy if I am, at least then I can get some help – if *they* aren’t out to get me, that is. 🙂




    Re: Paradnoid or Situationally Aware?

    It’s normal. You have had your eyes opened to all of the dangers out there, and you are instinctively looking for them and preparing. How many times during your training do you practice handling a stranger who walks up and politely shakes your hand? You don’t.

    Being alert to danger isn’t paranoia, it is part of the skill set you are learning. Self defense is as much (if not more) mental than physical, and sizing up all of the possible threats around you is just part of that mindset.

    It will calm down after awhile, and you will go back to being comfortable with your hands in your pockets around kids and old ladies. But you will always be sizing up those around you.


    Re: Paradnoid or Situationally Aware?

    Ask my km-X students and they’ll tell you: Put your hands in your pockets during class is a signal to me that the entire class needs to do some push-ups! That thinking comes from training police officers. It’s an easy way to take your defenses out of the fight.

    As for situational awareness… The weeks following the election could be interesting. Stay in condition yellow!


    Re: Paradnoid or Situationally Aware?

    I went to the Great American Beer Festival recently and found myself swimming upstream through a huge crowd of people – I was a little surprised when I realized I had my hands up in front of my face without even thinking about it. I thought – that’s gotta be the Krav! I never liked large crowds before (I tend to get stepped on for one thing) but now I’m even more uncomfortable in them. So no, I’m thinking you’re not crazy!

    (I also never sit in a restaurant with my back to the door so try that one for paranoid.)


    Re: Paradnoid or Situationally Aware?

    In the last few days, there have been 2 random shootings in an affluent area of Denver known as Stapleton. In both cases, the victims were in their cars in parking lots and the shooter simply walked up to the car and shot them without provocation. (Jon P, one shooting occurred at the Sonic Burger jointL).
    SoÖIf youíre not or have never been an LEO, and you didnít train in Krav Maga, what would you do if you noticed someone suspicious approaching your vehicle at night? In these cases, paranoia/situational awareness would likely have changed the outcome for the better for these citizens. More importantly, what would you do even now that you DO train in Krav Maga.

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