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  • #29804

    This is too funny. Take that, bu-ddy.




    I shouldn’t delight in someone getting punched by someone so much bigger… but I cannot stand that talentless little twit!


    I’m not a huge Paulie fan either, but that video is no different to me than any of the other bully, prick, showoffs that we belittle here constantly for sucker punching \”innocents\” …

    I hope that redneck puke gets the max sentence.


    The part that I disapprove of more than anything is the fact that comedy clubs in general have ZERO security. You have people getting drunk just like in a bar but without there being a bouncer. I used to do stand up and have played clubs in New York City and Los Angeles and security equaled me shoving some drunk asshole off stage and/or hoping this one jacked comedian I sometimes did shows with was doing a set that night so he could bundle the trouble maker. Security at a comedy club equals calling the police after the shit hit the fan.


    Subject: Media Inquiries into alleged assault of comedian Pauly Shore
    Date: December 12, 2006

    Earlier this morning, investigators of the Crimes Against Persons Unit of the Odessa Police Department began receiving inquiries into an event which allegedly occurred on the evening of December 9, 2006. On that date, comedian Pauly Shore was performing at the ì8 Street Comedy Clubî in our city.

    These inquiries were stimulated over a video clip which is circulating on the internet which displays Shore arguing with a western attired heckler who comes onto the stage and subsequently assaults Mr. Shore. The alleged suspect is then escorted from the stage by an Odessa Police Officer. The clip was apparently video taped by someone in the audience.

    After viewing the video, the officer who was employed at the club in an off-duty capacity, was contacted by investigators. The officer reported he had met with Mr. Shore prior to his set, and was asked to participate in the skit. The officer stated that the skit went as designed and that Shore was not injured in the designed skit.

    The officer reports that after the show, Pauly Shore conducted his autograph session and had his photograph taken with the alleged ìassaulter.î

    There is no further investigation into this incident.


    no sh!t …



    Figures. Now he’s ripping off Andy Kauffman. Told you he was talentless.



    quote \”MaskedKat\:

    Figures. Now he’s ripping off Andy Kauffman. Told you he was talentless.

    Pauly Shore doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Andy Kaufman.

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